Shades (Evil Dead MC 3) - Page 63

Shades huffed out a breath. “Okay, Ghost. I got it.”

“Later.” Ghost turned to leave.

“Tell Butcher I’m on my way,” Shades called after him.


When the last bike rolled off the lot, Shades walked over and slammed his palm over the button to lower the garage door. Then he dug his phone out of his hip pocket and scrolled through the contacts until he found Crash. Then he made the call, putting the phone to his ear, his eyes meeting and holding Skylar’s.

“Crash, this is Shades. Just got one question. All I need is a one word answer, yes or no, Brother, then I’m hanging up ‘cause I’m not in the best mood right now, and I don’t want to say shit I’ll regret. So, I’m asking, is Skylar yours?”

His eyes stayed on her as he listened to the response. Then he disconnected the call and shoved his phone back in his pocket. His eyes still on Skylar, he said, “Guess we’ll have to save that naked ‘anything you want’ fun we had planned for later. Go get ready. We got a party to get to.”

She smiled at him then and ran back upstairs.


Shades was standing in the yard of the clubhouse, next to the keg, one arm slung around Skylar’s neck and barely half a beer down before Griz approached.

“You make that call yet?” he aske

d, his eyes taking in the arm hanging loosely around Skylar as he picked up the nozzle of the tap and began filling his red cup with beer.

“Yeah. It’s all good, Brother,” Shades replied.

A big grin formed on Griz’s face. “So, you claimin’ her?”


Then Griz met Skylar’s eyes. “Welcome to the family, darlin’.”

She smiled. “Thank you, Griz. That’s sweet of you.”

He turned pink with embarrassment at her words. “Hell, I ain’t sweet.” Then he turned to Shades. “She better learn how to bitch and moan like the rest of ‘em or she ain’t gonna make it in this group.”

Gator and Hammer walked up.

Gator’s bald head gleamed in the bright sunlight, his eyes were covered by black wraparound shades, and he aimed them toward the gate. “Place sure is packed. Bulldog got one hell of a turnout, huh?”

“Yeah,” Hammer agreed, his eyes searching the crowd.

Gator looked over at him. “Let me guess who you’re lookin’ for.”

“Nobody. And mind your own damn business, fuckface.”

“Touchy. Touchy. What’s eatin’ your ass?”

Just then Tink walked up to the keg.

“Nothing now.” Hammer pulled a cup off the stack and began filling it. “Here, darlin’, I’ll pour you one.”

Her eyes flicked up to him. “Thanks.”

“My pleasure, Tink.” He gave her a smile. “And might I add your hair looks particularly lovely today.”

“Shouldn’t you be sweet talking Ashley? She’s the one you fucked last night.”

Hammer looked ashamed. “Who’d you hear that from?”

Tags: Nicole James Evil Dead MC Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025