Shades (Evil Dead MC 3) - Page 64

“Her. Are you denying it?”

He looked away. “No. Just saying it was a mistake, Tink.”

“You tryin’ to get back on her good side?” Gator asked.

“He’d have to suck up at the speed of light,” Griz put in with a snicker.

Tink attempted to ignore them all as JJ and Heavy walked up.

“Hey, Tink, tell Hammer how much you like my new look,” JJ teased, rubbing his shaved head.

Tink rolled her eyes.

“What’s the matter, you on the rag, Tink? You ever heard the saying, ‘don’t trust anything that bleeds for five days and doesn’t die’?” Gator smirked.

Everyone hissed in a breath, even his brothers knew not to joke about that shit. At least not right to a woman’s face.

“Say the word and I’ll kill him for you,” Hammer offered.

“I can handle him.” She pushed past Hammer and walked over and got in Gator’s face. “Well, I don’t trust anything with two heads and only one brain.”

There were a round of ‘ooowws’ among his brothers.

Tink stalked off.

“Boy, you’re screwed. She’s gonna poison your next draft,” Griz advised Gator.

“What? I mouth off to everybody. People love that about me,” Gator insisted.

“Guess again.” JJ grinned.

“This shit cracks me up,” Heavy added.

Griz looked over at Hammer. “So what exactly is your plan to get Tink, cause if that was it, I don’t think it’s workin’?”

“I thought I’d stand next to you.”

“Huh? What for?”

“Cause next to you, I look like a catch.”

“No, seriously, shithead, what’s your plan?”

“I’m gonna flirt shamelessly with her, tell her how pretty she is, and then stand back and let her fall at my feet.”

“You had me till that last part.” Griz grinned.

The guys all burst out laughing.

“Why do you think she’s so fucking hard to get? You know what? I don’t care,” Hammer grumbled.

“You don’t care,” Gator mumbled under his breath sarcastically.

“Go, on Hammer. Take a shot. What have you got to lose?” Griz encouraged.

“You’re right, enough of this game playing.” Hammer nodded and headed in the direction Tink had gone.

Griz grinned. “I should take up motivational speaking.”

Tags: Nicole James Evil Dead MC Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025