Shades (Evil Dead MC 3) - Page 160

They were in there, right this minute, giving him that VP patch. She was sure of it. And she just didn’t think she’d be strong enough for him, be the kind of woman he needed. Ghost had tried to tell her, hadn’t he? Shades would make VP, and when he did he was going to need a strong woman at his side. Skylar just didn’t think she could ever be that woman. How did one deal with a life like this—a life where your man came home with broken ribs? Or worse?

When Shades came out of that meeting, she knew she wouldn’t be able to face him. To tell him her fears. He’d talk her into staying. She knew he would. He wouldn’t let her go. So, it had to be now. She knew he’d think that he’d done something wrong. Shit. Why couldn’t she just be honest with him? Why couldn’t she tell him what she was afraid of, instead of panicking and running away?

She hated her inability to confront this. The fear, the anxiety, that she wasn’t good enough. And that was what it all came down to. That’s what it had always all come down to. Her whole life.

Suddenly, Blood was at her side.

“Skylar? You okay?”

She shook her head.

His hand reached up to slide a lock of hair over her shoulder. He was trying to see her face, she was sure. She tried to turn her head away, but he caught her chin and turned her to look at him. She knew her eyes were shimmering when she looked up into his dark brown eyes.

“Babe.” His eyes took in the bruising on the side of her face from when Reno had hit her. She watched his jaw tighten. Saw the anger flash across his face, and then just as quickly he reined it in. His eyes skated down her body, taking in the torn buttons of her blouse, the stained camisole pulled halfway out of her skirt and her bare feet. They trailed back up, stopping at her crotch. “You should go to the hospital, sweetheart. Get checked out.”

Oh, God. He thought she’d been raped. He was trying to be delicate about bringing it up, but that’s what he meant. Maybe there was a soft spot under all that badass after all. Her throat constricted, and she shook her head. “It’s not what you’re thinking. They didn’t touch me. Not like that.”

“Whatever they did to you, it’s got you shaking and on the verge of a panic attack. I should get Shades. You need your man.” He turned to go, but she reached out and grabbed his arm. He looked down at it. Her soft touch stopping him in his tracks.

“No. He’s in that meeting. It’s important.”

“Fuck that meeting. You’re more important right now.”

“No. That’s not what I need.”

He frowned at her, studying her. “What do you need, Princess?”

“Will you…will you do something for me?”

“Anything.” There was no hesitation in his answer, and that choked her up, closing her throat so she had to take a breath to speak again.

“I need to get out of here.”

Suddenly his eyes were flicking around the yard. Anywhere but at her.

“Will you take me?” she whispered.

“Skylar, takin’ a brother’s ol’ lady,” he broke off, shaking his head. “That’s not allowed.”

He was shaking his head, but in a way that made her think he was conflicted about his answer. “Please, Blood. I need to get my things. Then I…” Skylar paused, making a snap decision. “Then I want to go home…with my daddy.”

Blood looked stunned, and he must be, she thought. That was quite a bomb she’d just dropped. He studied her a long time, then his eyes went to the horizon. She knew she was asking a lot. She was asking him to go against a brother. And in reality she was probably misleading him. If he thought he had a chance with her, he would be wrong.

His eyes came back to her. “Okay. Let’s go.”

He moved toward his bike, and she followed.

Twenty minutes later, Skylar gave him directions over his shoulder, pointing to the turn off and then the drive. He pulled in and rolled to a stop at Shades’ cabin.

Skylar got off the bike. She noticed Blood’s eyes studying the place as he pulled his helmet off.

“Come on.” She paused and looked back when she realized Blood was not following her. “Blood?”

“I’ll wait out here.”

She frowned. “Blood, it’s like ninety-five degrees out here. Come inside.”

He shook his head. “Givin’ you a ride’s one thing, babe. But goin’ in a brother’s house—with his ol’ lady—when he’s not here? That’s a line even I won’t cross.”

Tags: Nicole James Evil Dead MC Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025