Camp Crim (Walker Hills 3) - Page 23

“I was scared to look, glad you’re clothed. You okay?”

I glance at Lake, who gives me a small nod before leaving.


I don’t want him to go, I really want him to stay.

I glance at Fallon and instead give her a weak smile. “I’m okay.”

“Thank god, that was terrifying. None of use knew what was happening. By the way, girl, you’ve got a bangin’ body.”

I pick up my shoe and throw it at her. She laughs and then extends her hand to me. “Come on, let’s go enjoy the fire and let you wind down before attempting to sleep.”

“They can’t honestly let us sleep by ourselves, right? I mean, what if one of those things comes in the middle of the night?”

“I’m sure they’ve got something worked out, it’ll be okay.”

I’m glad someone is confident.

Because I’m sure as hell not.

I glance over at where Lake is sitting by the fire.

I wonder if he’s willing to finish what he started after all?


I shiver as the last of us sit around the fire, talking late into the night. The stars are out and the air is becoming cold, but being by the open flames helps with that. There is also the fact that I feel safer sitting right next to the fire and am avoiding going to bed, because, well, mountain lions.

I shuffle closer to Lake without thought, searching for body heat.

His hand goes around the back of me and pulls me closer until I’m tucked into his side. That feels nice, really damned nice.

The only ones of us that are left awake are Fallon, Madden, Elias, Lei, and June. The rest all snuck off to bed earlier and are no doubt toasty warm as they sleep. We all chat about our lives, and laugh a lot, which feels nice. I can’t recall the last time I felt this free, this able to just sit around with no time limits.

“Startin’ to see this place isn’t so bad?” Lake murmurs, his mouth close enough to my ear to cause a shudder to travel through my body.

And make my groin tighten with delight.

“Maybe I was wrong. Maybe. I haven’t decided fully yet.”

“How can I sway you?”

His mouth brushes against my neck as he slightly, ever so damned slightly, guides me to shuffle in front of him. It’s a subtle movement that nobody seems to notice. I just carefully lift my bottom and he puts his leg through and then I’m sitting between his legs, his firm chest against my back, his mouth tickling my ear. I swallow, because I’m certain whatever he’s about to do, I’m going to like very, very much.

He slips his hand up and beneath my jacket, so subtly that you wouldn’t even notice he’s doing it. It’s dark enough that we just look like shadows next to the flames. Assuming he’s going to go for my breasts, I’m surprised when his hand goes down. Down, down, down, until his fingers slowly unbutton my pants and slip beneath them. I go still, sucking in a breath as I anticipate what’s about to happen.

His fingers glide along my panties and then he dips beneath them.

The first touch of his flesh against mine has me clenching my teeth to stop my moan of delight. God, I have been thinking about this since our little encounter earlier. I have been wondering how it would feel to fuck Lake, to sit on his lap and let his cock fill me. God, I’ve been without for far too long. I need him to hurry up, and, yet, at the same time, I need him to go as slow as he possibly can.

As his finger glides over my already hard clit, I close my eyes, trying to drown out the conversation happening around me. Lei is telling a story, and I really hope that story lasts long enough for me to orgasm because my god, I am going to kill someone if I’m interrupted again.

Lake massages the sensitive spot between my legs, and my other hand finds his free one, our fingers tangle, and I squeeze as pleasure builds, the kind of pleasure I’ve not had a great deal of in my life. Waylen fucked me, before we got here, but I was so drunk I didn’t orgasm. It didn’t mean I wasn’t enjoying every single second of it, I was, but this ... oh this ... I can barely hang on.

It's going to happen scarily fast, and I honestly don’t care.

“Wow, did you hear that, Willa?”

Fallon’s voice snaps me back into reality, and the orgasm I was literally about to enjoy, shrinks back a little.

Lake doesn’t stop.

He keeps gliding that devilish finger up and down, coating it in moisture, dragging it through my pussy like he has all the time in the world.

“Yeah,” I croak out. “Crazy.”

“It really was,” Lei goes on.

Tags: Bella Jewel Walker Hills Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024