Camp Crim (Walker Hills 3) - Page 24

She continues telling her story.

Oh, thank god.

I drop my head back into Lake’s shoulder and I can’t hold it in a second longer, I bite my bottom lip as a delicious orgasm rips through my body. I tremble with every single pulse and oh, it feels incredible. The best damned thing I’ve felt for as long as I can remember. I smile happily as my body slows from its shuddering, and Lake leans in, murmuring in my ear, “I’m not done with you.”


Oh, yes.

Yes, please.

He releases his hand and glides it out of my jacket and up to my chin where he grips on firmly, tipping my head back and leaning in close, growling, “I’m going to give you so many fuckin’ orgasms you’ll be walking bow legged the entire time you’re here. Your pussy will pulse with every step you take and everyone, every-fuckin’-one, will know that I’ve been there.”

Holy. Shit.

He releases my chin, and I let my head fall back into its normal position, eyes hazy as I sink into him.



Excited for his promises.

I don’t realize that I fall asleep.

It happens so effortlessly, so quickly. It’s pure relaxation, sleeping without fear—it’s freedom.

I wake to Lake scooping me up, my body delectably warm from being snuggled against him. I try to get my bearings and figure out what’s going on, but I have zero energy to do anything but let him carry me.

I assume he’s taking me to my shelter.

He isn’t.

He takes me to his.

Like some wild caveman he carries me away to have it off with me. At least, that’s what I hope he’s going to do, because, man, I’m going to need that tonight. And every night. Maybe forever.

He kneels down and places me on his sleeping area. It’s rather comfortable, actually, better than mine, and I’m a little jealous because I thought my bed was the best of the best. Clearly, it isn’t. I’m not complaining, though. If I get to lie in here, with this hot cowboy, I’ll be a happy lady.

“I’m awake you know,” I murmur as he releases me.

“I know.”

“I was just enjoying being carried around.”

He grunts. “Yeah, I guessed.”

“You may do it anytime that suits.”

He chuckles and then his body comes down over mine, only being held up by those incredible biceps. Oh. Well. Hello, daddy. I stare up at him, and I can’t see a damned thing in here, which is both frustrating and a little bit of a turn on. His body rubs against mine and I’m no longer asleep, or even tired, I’m very, very awake.

“Hello there,” I whimper as he runs his cock along my pussy. Even through the clothes I can feel every hard inch of him.

“You didn’t think I was going to let you sleep tonight, did you?”

Oh my.

“I was hoping not.”

He leans down, brushing his lips over mine, just enough to tease me but not enough to let me delve deeper, which is what I really, really want to do. I want to kiss him until my head spins and my body aches and my mouth burns from the contact. But he’s not going to let it be that easy. No, he’s going to make me beg for every single second of it. That’s fine with me. I’m good at begging, the best, even.

“I want you,” I say, breathlessly.

“I know,” he growls, his big hand cupping my breast in a way that makes me shiver.

“Stop saying you know,” I huff. “And show me you know.”

If I could see him, I know he’d be grinning.

“It takes time, sweetheart.”

“It doesn’t take time, you slide your cock inside me and fuck me.”

He chuckles. “That’s what horny young men do, not grown ass men with end goals.”

“What are your end goals?” I ask, arching up to meet his grinding.

“To make you cum so many times you walk funny, remember?”

“Not that I’m complaining about that plan,” I whisper, “but one good hit of that dick will do the same thing.”

He nips my bottom lip. “Your mouth is filthy.”

“You have no idea.”

He kisses me finally, letting his tongue explore and his mouth devour me until I’m panting and close to orgasm just from rubbing against him. His cock is hard, and it’s right where I need it to be, even if there are layers of clothes between us. I rub until my body explodes with pleasure, and his growl tells me he loves every second of it.

He moves a little quicker after that, discarding our clothes and finding my mouth again, this time blissfully naked. His body is hard and hot and it rubs against me in ways that make my legs tremble and my gasps echo through the night. Every single inch of me is alive as he kisses and strokes my body, bringing me to more orgasms then I ever thought possible.

Tags: Bella Jewel Walker Hills Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024