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Thick & Thin (THIRDS 8)

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Calvin chuckled. "Nice try."

"Well?" Sparks leaned her arms against the table and studied them.

Ash pursed his lips. He glanced around the room. "Do we get one of these fancy training bays?"

Sparks laughed, amused. "All right, Keeler. You accept, and this training bay is Destructive Delta's. Anything you need."

"And the Sarge?" Calvin asked.

"We'll leave that up to him. We'll discuss it when he's back on duty."

That should make for an interesting conversation. Tony knew all about Dex and Sloane joining TIN. The man was smart. It was too much of a coincidence that Dex and Sloane would be moving into new positions at HQ the moment they're sworn in and become active operatives. Would he suspect Sparks had something to do with it? Did he already? If not, how long was Sparks going to keep the truth from him? Leading a double life was no foundation for a loving relationship, if that's what she had in mind.

Ash stood and turned to Sloane. "This is really what you guys want?"

Sloane stood, and Dex joined him at his side. They both nodded.

"All right, then." Ash faced the rest of the team. "I'm in. How about you guys? Feel like kicking a little international ass?"

Calvin stood and let out a laugh. "Ash mentoring, Sloane training newbies, and Dex being a spy? Can't wait to see how that turns out. I'm in."

Ash flipped Calvin off. "Thanks for the vote of confidence, you dick."

"You're only strengthening my case," Calvin drawled.

Ash grabbed Sloane's arm and hauled him into a fierce hug, growling in his ear. "You watch each other's backs. You get me? If either of you get killed, I'm going to be so pissed off at you."

"Don't get dead. Got it."

"Shut up."

Sloane chuckled, and Ash pulled away, but not without leaving Sloane with a little parting gift of a punch to the arm.

"Ouch, that hurt. Asshole."

Ash grinned smugly. "Something to remember me by."

"We're not going anywhere just yet," Sloane reminded him, rubbing his arm. "Jesus."

"Oh, that's right. After the wedding. Oops. Slipped my mind."

"You're so full of shit," Sloane grumbled. "Where the hell did Sparks go?"

"Doesn't matter." Dex and the rest of their team gathered at the end of the room. "I know we're the ones pushing this change, but we're in this together. We always have been, and we always will be. Whatever happens, whatever you need, Sloane and I will be there for you."

"Aw," Ash teased. "Should we have a group hug?" Dex moved in, and Ash held him at bay with a finger to the chest. "You try it and you're going to be walking down the aisle in crutches."

Dex turned, grabbed Calvin, and squeezed him. "Destructive Delta forever."

"You are such a dork," Calvin said with a laugh.

Their future might be uncertain, but one thing wasn't--no matter what happened or what they faced, they had a family to come back to, one that grew stronger with every passing day. Destructive Delta wasn't just a team. It wasn't a badge or a patch on their sleeve. It was home.

Sloane took Dex's hand as everyone chatted about the changes and the wedding. He pulled Dex close, loving his warmth and the way he melted into Sloane, his lips parting for Sloane's kiss. At the center of everything was the man he loved, and Sloane couldn't wait to exchange vows.

"I love you," Sloane murmured in Dex's ear, holding him close.

"I love you too. Can we have a donut wedding cake?"

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