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Thick & Thin (THIRDS 8)

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Here we go.

Exclusive Excerpt

Darkest Hour Before Dawn

THIRDS: Book Nine

By Charlie Cochet

THIRDS Team Leader Sebastian Hobbs and Chief Medical Examiner Hudson Colbourn are as much in love now as they were nearly seven years ago when a tragic event on the job destroyed their relationship. The two drift together only to be pulled apart time and time again. When Hudson draws the interest of dangerous enemies, both within and outside the organization, Seb wants nothing more than to protect the man who still means everything to him.

As life and death events, an uncertain future, and startling truths draw Hudson and Seb to each other yet again, they must make a choice: trust their love and take strength from what they share, or lose what matters most for good this time.

Coming Soon to

Chapter 1

"SPREAD OUT, and watch your backs."

Seb motioned for his partner, Dom, to follow him as the rest of Theta Destructive split off into pairs, with Peyton, Brianna, Lee, and Zoey in their Therian forms. They spread out through the trees, and Seb was grateful for the sunny day despite the biting chill in the air. In a couple of days, March would give way to April, which accounted for the temperature rising from polar icecaps to just above meat locker. In Seb's opinion, Spring couldn't come quickly enough. Winter wreaked havoc on his joints, especially his bad knee.

"What did you get your boy for his birthday?" Dom asked from behind his raised tranq rifle as he scanned the woods around them.

"I still have two weeks." Seb held his rifle at the ready as they approached the pagoda where the four tiger Therians had last been spotted. "Sort of. I'll find something this weekend."

They were getting closer. Seb could feel it. They needed to round up these assholes before anyone else got hurt, especially since the perps were running out of places to hide. THIRDS agents managed to shrink the original perimeter around Prospect Park down to Lookout Hill, the boathouse, and the pagoda. Cornering Felid Therians never went well.

"You're the only guy I know who buys presents for his ex," Dom said, stopping in his tracks. "Did you hear that?"

Seb didn't tear his gaze away from the path ahead as he tipped his head toward a tree to his left. "Squirrel."

Dom nodded and continued to move forward, muttering something about furry pains in the ass.

Theta Destructive along with several other teams had been called after a shooting outside an auto club on Empire Street led to one death, two injured, and four tiger Therians leading THIRDS agents on a chase through Prospect Park. Human agents cleared the park while Therian agents in their Therian forms sniffed out the perps, formed a perimeter, and hastily began to close in to reduce the square footage. Everyone knew parks provided the best cover. Unfortunately parks were filled with citizens, tourists, pets, and wildlife. It was a security nightmare.

"Dex buys presents for his ex," Seb pointed out, smiling at Dom's snort.

"Are you seriously using Dexter J. Daley as an example of rational behavior?"

"Right." Seb chuckled. "What was I thinking. Anyway, you know Hudson is more than an ex-boyfriend." Dom knew a hell of a lot more than that. He was one of two people Seb had bared his soul to in his lifetime. Hudson was the first, and as of three months ago, Dom had become the second.

"Cutting it kind of close, aren't you? What did you get him last year?"

Seb peered into a thick brush of shrubbery, but nothing stirred. He needed to be careful, making sure to sniff out their fellow agents so he didn't find himself accidently shooting a tranq into one. Of course that would only happen if the Therian attacked, pretty much assuring him it wasn't one of their own.

"I got him this really nice, soft, blue robe that matched a pair of TARDIS boxer shorts he loves, and some fuzzy slippers."

Dom snickered. "The doc is such a nerd."

Seb couldn't help his dopey grin. "Yeah."

"Did he like it?"

"Are you kidding? He practically lives in it. He's a wolf Therian, remember? They love fluffy, cozy stuff." Unlike Seb, fall and winter were Hudson's favorite seasons. During the cold weather, Hudson wasn't content to simply sit or lay on the couch under a blanket. Nope. He'd draw his legs onto the couch and wrap up like he was cocooning himself, with only his face exposed, and even then he'd pull the blanket over his nose so it wouldn't get cold. Hudson hated having a cold nose. Fuzzy blankets brought out his Therian side like nothing else. It was the most adorable thing Seb had ever seen. Movie nights always included a host of snacks and a nest of blankets.

The air changed, and Seb stilled. Dom followed his lead, coming to a halt beside him. Seb tapped his nose and motioned ahead of them to the woods behind the pagoda. He was picking up two very distinct tiger Therian scents--neither THIRDS agents. Dom motioned to the right, and Seb gave him a curt nod. Seb would take the left.

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