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Against The Grain (THIRDS 5)

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“A drink. Maybe catch up for old time’s sake.”

He raised his hand, and Cael flinched. He took a step back, hating himself for it. Fuller’s laugh curdled his blood. He remembered that laugh. Remembered the way Fuller had made him feel so small and insignificant, so worthless.

“You haven’t forgotten me. I’m touched.”

Cael felt sick to his stomach. Fuller reached out, and Cael slapped his hand away with a hiss.

“Don’t touch me.” How dare he! After everything Fuller had put him through, he thought he could just show up and, what? Pick up where they left off?

“Sorry.” He held his hands up in front of him. “I wanted to talk, that’s all.”

“I have nothing to say to you.”

Cael tried to go around, but Fuller blocked his path. His gaze raked over Cael, making him feel naked and exposed.

“Oh, come on. We had good times, didn’t we? Remember when we used to fool around? When you’d get down on your knees and beg me to let you suck my dick.”

Cael gaped at him. What the hell? He had to get out of here. His chest felt tight, and the room was starting to close in on him. “I need to go.” Cael shoved through the crowd looking for Dex, but he couldn’t see him. He really wished Dex were here right now. His brother would know what to do. His brother would probably plant one right in Fuller’s face. Cael wished he were anywhere but here right now. There were too many people. Everyone was so much bigger. He was trapped. Surrounded by people and noise, movement, and the shadows were creeping closer.

“I remember,” Fuller said from somewhere behind him. “I remember how much you liked to beg.”

Oh God, he couldn’t breathe. Cael stumbled outside into the cold air and almost slipped on the snow-covered sidewalk. He was shaking, his teeth chattering from the cold and the fear threatening to cripple him. He wrapped his arms around himself and walked to the street to call a cab. His lungs burned, and he felt like such a fucking asshole for the tears in his eyes. A steellike grip snatched hold of his arm and jerked him back against a hard body.

“Where are you going?” Fuller asked smugly. “I’m not done reminiscing. I gotta admit, you look good. Less scrawny than you did when we were together. Might even be a better fuck.”

“P-p-please.” He was so cold, so tired, and all he wanted was to be away from here.

“Music to my ears. Beg me some more.”

Fuller squeezed harder, and Cael cried out. Everything he thought he’d put behind him, that he’d buried deep down came bubbling up. He didn’t want to go back there. He didn’t want to feel helpless and scared. This wasn’t him. He was a different person now, wasn’t he? Why couldn’t he stand up to Fuller?

“Let go of me!”

Cael pulled back a fist and swung at Fuller, who moved his face just in time, Cael’s knuckles only grazing his jawline.

“You little prick.”

Fuller smacked Cael across the cheek with the back of his hand, splitting his lip. Cael would have gone hurtling into the parked car across from him if Fuller hadn’t been holding on to him so tight.

“You son of a bitch! Get your fucking hands off him!”

Fuller stumbled back as Ash shoved him away from Cael. He snarled at Ash, who wrapped Cael up in his embrace.

“Who the fuck are you?”

Ash placed himself between Cael and Fuller. “His boyfriend.”

Fuller looked Ash over and shook his head with a laugh. “Oh shit. Well, how about that. Guess some things never change. Watch out for this one. He’ll ask for it rough, then send you to prison for it.”

Cael wheezed, and Ash took a step toward Fuller. “Don Fuller?”

“Ah, so he’s bitched to you about me. Isn’t that sweet.”

“You piece of shit!” Ash moved fast, throwing a punch that snapped Fuller’s head to one side and knocked him into a parked car. “You’re such a fucking tough guy, how about you hit me.”

Ash grabbed a fistful of Fuller’s hair and snapped his head down as he brought his knee up, the crack resonating above the noise of the gathering crowd. Fuller hit the icy sidewalk with a litany of curses, the blood from his broken nose turning the snow beneath him red. He pushed himself to his feet and rolled his shoulders, his near black eyes filled with a familiar fury Cael recognized too well.

Ash motioned for Fuller to advance. “Come on. Hit me. Give me another reason to lay you out.”

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