Redemption (Shattered Souls MC 2) - Page 11

He slaps my shoulder when he gets up to grab a beer. “She’s good for you.”

I laugh around my cigarette. “No shit.” It makes me think of him and Ivy. I’ve been so distracted; I haven’t given him the chance to talk about anything. “What’s going on with you and Ivy?”

He lifts one shoulder as he sips his beer. “Nothing.”

“You want something to happen though, right?” I ask.

He runs his hand through his hair, turning toward me. “I don’t know, brother. I mean, yeah, but I’m not sure she’s all about the club. I can’t get into something like that and she’s not a chick you fuck and flee. She’s better than that.”

“Have you guys even talked about any of it?” I lift an eyebrow and he laughs.

“Nope. We’re barely in the friend zone, I don’t think the conversation is necessary,” he explains.

I get up and grab my phone. Ivy texted before to tell me that Harper is still sleeping, so I feel better about not being there. I shove my phone in my pocket and slip on my cut. “Well, if you want my advice,” I start.

“Not really,” he cuts in.

“Too fucking bad. I think if you want to see where it can go with you two, you should actually talk to her. See where she’s at.” We walk out the door and I lock it behind us.

“We’ll see. Let’s go see what our next move is.”

When we get to the Souls, everyone is there, so we head in to sit at the table. Once we are all seated, Brooks looks at me. “How’s Harper?”

“She’s okay. In pain, obviously, but the pain medicine seems to help. The doctor hasn’t been in yet, so we’ll see what he has to say,” I tell them.

Brooks nods and lights a smoke. “Finally, some good news.”

“We’ve got more,” Kace says, looking at me.

“We talked to a very willing nurse and she told us that Dom was treated for two gunshot wounds and that Kingsley took him home from the hospital. She also said Kingsley was asking about Harper. She can’t take anymore evil, so we need a fucking plan,” I say.

There is a lot of cursing, but I keep my attention on Brooks. He needs to give the go ahead to take Kingsley down. I’m trying to keep my anger under control, but when I think of what Kingsley did, it’s fucking hard. Harper has suffered enough at the hands of her father; he needs to pay.

“We end this shit now. He wants a war, he’s got it,” Brooks hisses.

Fucking finally. “What’s the plan?” I ask.

“He’s too smart. We need to just surprise him. We go in guns drawn and take out everyone we need to until we get him. I’m tired of being made to look like a damn fool. We’ll get guns together and we’ll leave in half an hour.”

I’m taking care of my business, babe.

I can’t help the grin that breaks out on my face. Once he’s dead, Harper can heal, and we can move on with our lives. She won’t have to worry about anything again.

“Let’s get ready,” Enzo says, breaking my thoughts.

We all get up and before I go into the back, I go to the bar to grab a quick shot. Finn slides it over to me and I toss it back. I start to walk away, but he calls my name. I turn to face him and cross my arms

“Can I talk to you for a minute?” he asks, nervously.

The fury I feel when I look at him is definitely misplaced, but I will never allow him to know that. “Outside,” I say, walking toward the door. Once out there, we both light a cigarette. “Talk, Prospect.”

“Look, I’m fucking sorry about what happened to Harper. I know it was my fault and I know that there’s nothing I can say to fix that shit. But I really need you to know that I never intended to pass out. I figured since you were there that I could let my guard down. I’m really sorry.”

My angry eyes collide with his. “How the fuck am I supposed to trust you as a member of this club? Two times you let her go, and two times she nearly lost her life. You can be sorry all you want, but you failed twice. I gave you another chance after the first time and you proved I shouldn’t have. I haven’t talked to Brooks about it yet, but it needs to be discussed,” I hiss.

“What do I need to do to prove my worth? This club is all I have. I don’t want to be out before I’m in,” he asks.

He’s got balls, I’ll give him that. “You want to prove your worth? You need to gain back my trust,” I tell him.

Tags: Heather Dahlgren Shattered Souls MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025