Redemption (Shattered Souls MC 2) - Page 12

“How do I do that?”

I slap his shoulder and turn away. “That’s something you’re gonna need to figure out on your own, Prospect.”

I walk back inside and straight to the back, in the room where I’ve spent too much of my time. I look around, thinking of Harper. The bed that is centered on the wall to my left makes me think of when she wouldn’t even sit on it. The dresser that sits on the same wall as the door, reminds me of all her makeup and crap scattered across it. The brown walls, covered in pictures of Harleys and chicks, cause me to shake my head. Months ago, I loved being in, now all I want to do is be wherever Harper is. I go into the safe I have in the closet, that is across from the bed. I take out my AR15 and my AR10. I’ve got my Glock19 in my waistband and my Springfield Hellcat in my boot. I close the safe as the door to the room opens.

“What happened with Finn?” Kace asks.

I toss him the AR15 and sling the AR10 over my shoulder. “He wants to prove his worth and gain my forgiveness.”

“You gonna give it to him?”

I snap my head up to look at him. “I don’t give my forgiveness to anyone. He needs to fucking earn it.”

He looks at the door and back to me, sighing. “Yeah, you ready?”

“Never been more ready.”

We walk out to meet the rest of the club. They are all by the bar in the back far corner. There’s still a lot of shit to figure out, but this is my biggest threat. Once Kingsley is gone, I can focus my attention on everything else. I start to feel excitement because I can’t wait to tell Harper that it’s over.

“We need to keep our eyes open and our heads up. He’s not gonna go out without a fight. I’d love to give Zane the chance to kill him, but whoever sees him, shoots him. No fucking around. We are in and out,” Brooks says.

I want to argue because no one else should get the chance to kill him, but I know better. It is ultimately on me that we are in this position to begin with. I’m lucky to be alive after the shit I pulled with Dom. This is one time I need to keep my mouth shut and do what I’m told. That’s something Finn should pay attention to.

“Z, anything we should know?” Enzo asks.

“He’s probably in his office and we know where that is. I think if we just get back there, we’ll get him quickly.”

He nods once and turns to Brooks. “Let’s go.”

The ride over seems to take a lifetime, but we finally pull up. Brooks tells Finn and Alex to stay outside and watch all the exits. The adrenaline is coursing through my veins as we get to the door. In this moment I have absolutely no fear. I have my club with me, and we are finally going to win this war. No more sharing pussy, no more enemy attacks, no more pain for my girl. It all ends now.

We all rush inside. Riley and Kace lead the way. I’m right behind them with Enzo and Brooks behind me. As expected, we are not welcome. Kace pushes Riley down when we hear the first round of bullet spray out toward us.

“Get down,” I yell to Brooks and Enzo. I pull the trigger on my Glock and hit two of the Vegas Kings.

Kace and Riley are shooting now. The customers are running, the girls on stage are screaming, and still no sign of Kingsley. Fuck this.

“Go,” I yell to Brooks and Enzo. “I’ll cover you.”

They make it to the back, and I keep my gun

pointed at anyone who moves. This strip club is so different from ours. It’s bright walls, neon blue lights, and white tables, are the opposite of ours. Our walls are a honey wood paneling, as well as the tables. The lighting isn’t as bright as flashy, it's darker, giving a more intimate feel. The setup is basically the same, bar in the far corner, stage centered on the far wall, and tables in front of the stage. Souls is more masculine, while Club Kingsley is more feminine. Where our club feels warm and inviting, this club feels cold and sterile. I’m not saying Harper didn’t do an amazing job, I’m just noticing the differences.

“Z, go,” Kace yells, snapping me back to the moment.

I don’t hesitate, I rush to the back. Once I’m through the door I’m met with deafening silence. The only light that shines is in this long hallway that stretches the length of the entire building.

“Fuck,” Brooks shouts. “He’s not here. There’s no one back here.”

I quickly walk to Kingsley’s office and stand in the doorway. The blood is still on the carpet and the memories come rushing back, as does my anger.

“Z, let it fucking go,” Enzo calls.

I pull my Glock out and take two shots at his chair. “Fucking coward!” I yell.

“Zane, now,” Brooks shouts.

I rush down the hall and open the door to make sure it’s clear. “Go,” I say. I look around and see a Vegas King laying on the floor. I grab his shirt and hold my gun to his temple. “Where the fuck is Kingsley?”

Tags: Heather Dahlgren Shattered Souls MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025