Blood & Honey (Race Games 1) - Page 38

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Danica laid in the center of the bed, Phi and Arden on either side of her. They’d slept peacefully the night before, but the closer they grew to the race, the more the tension seemed to increase. They’d already checked on the car and made sure it was locked up tight. There were trusted guards there to ensure no one placed anything on their car that wasn’t meant to be there. Danica wouldn’t have put it past anyone to put a literal bomb underneath the car, but Phi reassured her there would be nothing like that. And before the race began, they’d do another check on the car. With so many gunning for them, they couldn’t take any chances.

“Do you think some things happen for a reason?” Danica asked suddenly, her eyes trained on the ceiling. Something in her felt more profound and philosophical at the moment. Perhaps, it was the fact that everything she knew about the world had been wrong? After all, all sorts of supernatural creatures were far more real than most people believed. Or perhaps, it was simply because the chance of the three of them dying that very day was extremely high? Regardless, Danica felt the need to ask the question.

“Is this a ‘God does things for a reason’ type question?” Arden asked with a raised brow. “I have to say I’m not sure I believe in that.”

“No.” Danica shook her head. “I mean, do you think certain events have to happen to lead us to where we are now?”

Phi pressed closer against her. “I believe so. If things hadn’t happened as they did, we would have never met you.”

Nodding, Danica reached over and threaded her fingers through his. “I wouldn’t have raced unless the kids needed me. I wouldn’t have been available if I were in the racing circuit. And so on and so on. It’s strange, isn’t it? How we could have went on by each other without knowing this had things not happened as they did. We could have never met.”

“I, for one, am glad we did,” Arden murmured, grabbing Danica’s other hand and pressing a kiss against the back of it. “I’m rather fond of the race car driver with a dirty mouth.”

Grinning, Danica shifted her weight over to press a kiss to his lips. When she would have pulled away, his free hand captured the back of her head and pulled her closer. She was still holding Phi’s hand, still entangled between the both of them while Arden tasted her lips. Behind her, Phi shifted, pressing his own lips against her shoulder, kissing, teasing, amping things higher.

“Do we have time?” she breathed against Arden when he pulled back.

“No,” Phi murmured, but he didn’t stop his slow perusal of her skin.

“A quickie?” Arden murmured, pressing his lips against her throat and dragging his teeth there.

Danica shivered. “Will you bite me?”

Arden stilled. “It wouldn’t be wise to drink your blood before the race.”

“What if I asked you to?”

Groaning, Arden ground his hard length against the v of her thighs, making her ache for more.

“I could heal you,” Phi offered, his eyes meeting Arden’s. “Vampires who are born have an extra asset. We can heal wounds with our blood. But if we bite you, we won’t be drinking much at all. Just enough to bring you pleasure.”

“Then do it.” Danica arched her back and ground herself against Phi’s own length, begging to be touched. He groaned in answer, but it was Arden who voiced his concern.

“Are you certain?” he murmured, even while his teeth were against her throat, wanting but hesitant. “You were so sure you didn’t want to be bitten before.”

“I might die today,” Danica answered into the air and the mood grew somber. “I’d like to know what it’s like to be with you both fully, just in case that happens. We’re going to win, but just in case we don’t, I need you to give me it all.”

Arden and Phi held themselves still for a few long seconds before settling in.

“As you wish,” Phi murmured before jerking her clothing off as quickly as possible. Arden helped until she lay naked between the two men. She’d never done such a thing before, hadn’t thought to, but now, lying there, she couldn’t imagine anything different than the two vampires running their hands along her skin.

“We’re going to win,” Danica murmured even as Phi pressed his length against her entrance from behind.

Arden gripped her chin in his strong fingers, directing her until he met her eyes. “Yes,” he whispered. “We are.” And then there were no more words as he claimed her mouth.

With one stroke, Phi was inside her, stroking in and out in a quick and steady rhythm. Arden focused on her front, kissing, dragging his teeth, teasing. Danica was tensed for a bite but when it didn’t immediately come, she relaxed into the feeling of the two men focusing on her. That was when Arden and Phi struck.

Phi’s teeth were suddenly on her shoulder, piercing her skin. There was a pinch of pain that was quickly replaced by euphoria at the pull of his lips. Arden, wasting no time, clamped his own teeth down on her neck and pulling at her blood. The orgasm rolled up and slammed into Danica before she knew what was happening, her sudden scream of pleasure echoing around the room even as both vampires quickly withdrew.

They never slowed.

Phi pulled out of her only for Arden to take his place, his hand grabbing her thigh and throwing it over his hip instead. His pace was far faster than Phi’s, and within another minute, she was exploding again, her body shaking with the force of it. Arden grunted, following her release right alongside her, only to pull out again.

“We don’t have much time,” Phi murmured, grabbing Danica’s thigh again and hooking it behind her. “Let’s see if we can draw another scream from your lips, speed racer.”

Phi slammed home and pistoned inside her, brutal, aggressive, and yet not once did he hurt her. Danica cried out at the feeling of being so full, at the way Arden was trailing his hands along her body and driving the pleasure higher.

Danica’s heart throbbed in her chest, and she knew, no matter what happened in the race, no matter if they won or lost or died, she would be irreparably changed after this. Somewhere along the line, somehow, she’d given Arden and Phi more than she’d planned. She wasn’t walking away from the Race Games unscathed.

Tags: Kendra Moreno Race Games Paranormal
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025