Restless Night (Insomniac Duet 1) - Page 41

Is Reese the guy who occupied her attention in Roar last weekend?

The eight days since I watched Peyton smile and laugh with that guy feel more like months. Never-ending, nails-on-the-chalkboard months. I had never seen her so relaxed and carefree as I did that night. The way she leaned his direction. How easily she gave him the smile I wanted from her. Her comfort with another man made my skin crawl and blood pressure rise. Made my thoughts scatter like fall leaves on a windy day.

But if they were friends… well, that changes everything.

Did he come into Roar to intentionally provoke me? Was the idea hers or his? The answer makes all the difference. If it was his, I would venture to guess he was making a statement. Flaunting how incredible Peyton is and how easy it is to not have her. To say see what I have and you don’t, asshole.

But… if it was Peyton’s idea. That opens a whole new door.

If she asked her friend to fake flirt with her all night to piss me off, it says I cross her mind more than inside those four walls. That thought alone has my ego high above the powdery clouds.

Best not to get ahead of myself, though. Not without answers. Shelly is right. First, I need to absorb what my apology to Peyton means and where it leads us next.

“Have I told you lately how much I love you?”

She brings a finger to her lips and taps, eyes skyward to the left. “Hmm.” Tap, tap, tap. “I’m drawing a blank, big brother. Better tell me again.”

“You’re ridiculous.” I ball up my straw wrapper and fling it at her. “But you know I love you.”

Her mouth drops open as she picks up the offending paper projectile and launches it back at me. “Love you, too.”

Just then, Tom reappears with burgers and fries. His eyes dart between us and he sets our plates down with too much ease. Soon as his hands are free, he shoves them in his back pockets and gives Shelly a sheepish smile.

“Anything else I can get you?” His voice shakes.

“I’m good.” Shelly smiles at him, then looks to me. “Need anything, brother?” The word brother leaves her lips louder than the rest.

Does this guy think Shelly is on a date with me? By definition, this is a date. Between two siblings. Zero romanticism going on here. But the fact she needed to clarify who I was says this guy is not only insecure, but has no clue who I am to Shelly. Yes, he knew my name because I frequent the place. But his knowledge doesn’t extend much further.

When his shoulders drop and eyes land on me, he appears less concerned. I may not be of romantic interest for my sister, but who I am should bother him. Shelly is my baby sister. Which makes me her overprotective, overbearing big brother. That should make him shake in his Nikes, not sigh in relief.

So, I pull an asshole move. Because that is what big brothers are for.

“Thought I asked for a side of barbeque.” Tom’s brows pinch in the middle and Shelly huffs.

Tom goes from at ease to freaked out in point five seconds. “Shoot. Sorry, man. I’ll go grab that.” He scurries off to the kitchen without another word.

The moment he’s out of earshot, I laugh. Shelly throws a fry at my face and I dodge it. “Not funny, asshole.” I laugh harder. “And you didn’t ask for a side of anything. Why are you being a dick?”

I pick up the fry she hurled and toss it in my mouth. “Because that’s what big brothers do.”

Tom rematerializes and deposits a full dipping cup of barbeque sauce on the table. “Sorry again. Anything else?” I bite my tongue at his shortness of breath.

“We’re good. Thanks, Tom,” Shelly answers. The guy flashes her an award-winning smile then leaves us to our lunch.

“What’s going on with you and him?”

Rather than answer me, she scoops up her burger and takes the biggest bite possible. She did this to avoid speaking for the next however many minutes, but I pick at my fries and wait for her to finish chewing. Once she swallows down the last of it, she takes a sip of water and pretends I’m not waiting on her answer.


She shakes her head. “Ugh. Why can’t you just move past this?”

“Because I’m your brother. Why do you want me to?” If that guy so much as laid a hand on her without permission, I will kick his ass.

“No reason.” She sighs and hangs her head. “Tom is nice. Like I said, we’ve been on a couple dates.” Picking up a fry from her plate, she swirls it in the ketchup over and over.

“But…” I drawl out the word. “Has he… done something you’re uncomfortable with?”

Twin eyes bolt to mine. Her head shakes furiously. “No. No, Micah.” She drops the fry and wipes her hands with the napkin. “He’s actually been sweet. Never makes me feel pressured.”

“Good. ’Cause I’d kick his ass.”

“I don’t know. It’s just…” She trails off and I give her a moment to collect her thoughts. “Have you talked to Mom in the last week?”

I search my memory for the last time I spoke with either of our parents. Last I remember was a few weeks back. “No. Why?”

“Well, she called me a couple nights ago. Said she’d call you, too. Anyway, she wants to start regular family dinners. Like scheduled dinners once a month or every two weeks. I don’t remember the specifics.”

“Okay… is that a bad thing?”

Tags: Persephone Autumn Insomniac Duet Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025