Restless Night (Insomniac Duet 1) - Page 42

Shelly speaks with and sees Mom and Dad more often than I do. But I don’t see anything wrong with spending more time with them. Maybe I am missing something.

“Normally, I’d say no. But Mom started dropping hints.”

“Dropping hints?”

“Shelly, your father and I aren’t getting any younger.”She mocks our mother’s voice. “Would love to have more Reeds to love.”

“What?” Not sure if Mom is insinuating what I think she is, but I sure as hell hope not.

“Yep.” She pops the p. “Mom basically told me she wants grandbabies. Seeing as neither of us is in a relationship” —her eyes dart across the bar to where I assume Tom stands— “that’s not happening anytime soon.”

“Are you not in a relationship with Tom?” I whisper-ask, unsure of his presence.

A huff leaves her lips. “He’s nice. Treats me well. And I can tell he wants more.” She looks over my shoulder again. “But I don’t.”

“Then you need to end it. Don’t drag it out. It’ll just make it worse.”

“Yeah, I know.” She stares down at her plate and shoves a fry in her mouth. “After that talk with Mom, it got me thinking.” She peers up and winces. “Please don’t be weirded out.”

I place a hand over my heart. “Promise I won’t be.”

Shelly takes a deep breath, places her palms flat on the table, and looks me in the eye. Her lips twitch every other second as her eyes dart between mine. I have never seen her like this. Concerned about sharing her feelings.

“Micah, I haven’t…” She takes another deep breath as I wait patiently for her to finish in her own time. “I haven’t been with… anyone.”

Setting down my burger, I tilt my head and study her expression. The way she bites her lip to stop the occasional twitch. How her eyes dance around the room every few seconds to be sure no one eavesdrops on our conversation. And how she keeps stretching out her fingers, then balls them again. Her actions have me on edge.

Is she still a virgin? Not that I ever want to imagine my baby sister with any man, but how? How is it possible my thirty-year-old sister is still a virgin?


She shakes her head. “Hasn’t felt right.”

Before this conversation, there’s no question I classified myself as a whore. Now… is there such a thing as a mega-whore?

Shelly has had zero sex. None. I, on the other hand, have lost track of how many women I have bedded. Hell, it’s only the beginning of May and I have gone home with more than a dozen women this year.

“Not sure what to say, Shell. But don’t let Mom’s need for grandchildren pressure you into something you don’t want.” I toss a quick thumb over my shoulder. “If you don’t want to be with him, cut it off. When the right guy comes along, you’ll know it. You’ll feel it. And if you don’t want kids, there is nothing wrong with that. That’s your choice to make. Happy, romantic relationships don’t always equal marriage and children.”

“Do you want kids?”

Do I? At some point, when things were good between me and Rochelle, I considered the idea. But Rochelle was past the safe age of bearing children and I dismissed it. Would I give it more thought now? Couldn’t be sure. With the right person, anything is possible. But I don’t dream of picket fences and children’s laughter. Not like some people do.

I shrug. “Not sure. Haven’t put much thought into it.”

“I don’t think I do.” She shoves another fry in her mouth.

Reaching across the table, I take her hand. We hold each other’s gaze a beat. “Then do what makes you happy, little sis.”

We finish lunch and pay. Shelly waves bye to Tom and we go separate ways in the lot after a hug and promise to see each other Sunday. On the way home, I replay our lunch together. My confession and Shelly’s. And the fact our mother is practically guilting us to fulfill her own desires. Something I will chat about with Mom soon. Need to nip that in the bud.

Difficult enough to find a partner you love and trust. Going balls to the wall with commitment plus family is a whole other realm. One I am not ready for.

* * *

Sean texted when I got home from lunch with Shelly and asked everyone to come in early for a staff meeting. No details, just a be here an hour early. So, here I am. In the office. Waiting to hear what is going on.

Peyton shuffles past the office. I jump up from the chair, jog out, and call her name. She stops and assaults me with a smile. Damn.

“Hey,” she says.

“Hey, yourself. Sorry you had to come in early.”

Her shoulders bounce up a beat as she gives me a lopsided smile. “No worries. It happens every now and again.”

We take a seat at the same table after greeting a few others. Ani and Sean walk in soon thereafter and the room goes quiet. Too quiet. My knee bounces beneath the table and I mentally yell at myself to stop.

“Thanks, everyone, for coming in early,” Ani announces, with Sean at her side. “Wanted to touch base with everyone. Maybe start having staff meetings similar to this once a quarter, so we’re all abreast of how things are going.” Unscrewing the cap, Ani drinks from a bottled water then continues. “Foot traffic and sales have been on the rise since last quarter. And we’re looking into ways to keep the momentum going.”

Shit. I was supposed to search ideas for the slower nights and send them to Ani. A task I started but never finished. That is priority number one as of now.

“That being said,” Ani continues. “Sean and I will be looking at staff changes.” Several sets of eyes go wide. “Sorry, let me clarify. We will be adding more staff. So, if you know anyone in need of a job who would be a great addition to the family, pass along the news.”

For the next fifteen minutes, Ani carries on with sales numbers and I tune her out. I see the sales numbers for Roar on a nightly basis. Business has been on the rise. Not sure if the themed nights are a hit or if the new apartment complex blocks away has brought more foot traffic. Either way, the influx in business is a good thing.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spy how attentive Peyton is of Ani. How she hangs on her every word. Glued to sales totals from the fourth and first quarters. Giving a nod when Ani mentions the uptick in patron count. Or a subtle smile when Ani looks her way.

Peyton seems more invested than a typical bartender. While most of the staff zones out, she zeros in. This minor detail makes me question Peyton and Ani’s relationship, and what her attentiveness means.

What am I missing here?

Tags: Persephone Autumn Insomniac Duet Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025