Restless Night (Insomniac Duet 1) - Page 59

I purse my lips and meet his gaze as he rights himself. “Sure.” My mouth stretches into a tight, forced smile before I face Ani again.

Over the next fifteen minutes, Ani shares the changes coming to Monday through Thursday. All the ideas I tossed out at her plus drink specials for each night. She drones on about contacts who are eager to partake in charity bingo night and companies who want to host trivia night for their employees. With each new idea that leaves her lips, Micah grows more frustrated and tense.

More than a month ago, Ani asked Micah for ideas to boost the slower nights. Asked for his input because of his role in the company. She’d also asked Gina, who suggested board game night, speed dating, and painting parties. Some of which Ani plans to incorporate once or twice a month. But Micah never responded. Never gave a single suggestion.

Maybe it had something to do with me and the distraction I provided. Or maybe his head was elsewhere. Distracted with other things I was unaware of. Either way, he didn’t hold up his end of the bargain. And now, he has to deal with what Ani and Sean decided. Without him.

The new employees arrive and introductions are made. Josiah, Caleb, and Mable will join Adam and Kaylynn behind the bar. Charity and Dylan will be new additions to the tables with Becky and Jake. And Julio will work with Dan and Ted. The new cliques chat among themselves and get to know each other. All of the new additions will be working with us tonight, so management will get more time with them.

Before long, Ani announces everyone needs to start prepping for open. She shoots me a worried look, but I wave her off. Micah may be upset, but that is his burden to carry. Not mine. As the meeting carried on, this sank in more and more. That I should not be wrung tight because Micah cannot handle life and the positive things happening in mine. If he can’t step off his pedestal one minute and allow others to shine with him, I don’t need him in my life. Period.

So, I let it go. Enjoy the bliss of promotion and all the possibilities in my future. And later, I will celebrate with a drink and the people who cheer me on. Life is too short. I don’t have the time or patience for someone not in my corner.

Fuck Micah Reed and his piss-poor attitude.

Tags: Persephone Autumn Insomniac Duet Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025