Restless Night (Insomniac Duet 1) - Page 60


No way this happened overnight.No way Peyton did not see this coming before today. Yet, she never said a goddamn word. Not once. None of our conversations hinted this colossal change was coming.


Peyton just got promoted to manager after working at Roar for one year. One fucking year.

How hard had I slung bottles before Sean and Ani considered me management material? The first time Sean broached the subject had been three and a half years in. “We need to see more professionalism,” he’d said. “You have what it takes, but need you to step it up. Show us you want it.” Those days, Sean and Ani spent more time at Roar than not.

But they rarely set foot inside nowadays. Not unless they were meeting with me or Gina or an event happened during the day. Yes, they kept tabs on their business. But they were less involved with the actual day-to-day functionality. They left that up to management and staff, only stopping by if things were amiss.

So how did Ani know Peyton was management material? Without working side by side with her a single night, Ani had no idea how Peyton worked inside these walls. And I hadn’t received any calls, texts or emails asking my opinion on Peyton’s work ethic. Only the occasional generic inquiry when Ani stopped by to grab bank deposits or paperwork for the accountant.

The only reasonable explanation is Peyton and Ani’s friendship. But I had to know. I need answers from the source. Peyton.

As the meeting came to a close, Peyton stood from her stool and took a step toward the bar. The color had returned to her cheeks. Her skin less clammy and gray. Eyes more alert and chin held higher.

Before she stepped out of reach, I took her elbow. She jerked to a stop as her eyes flashed to mine. Lips are a brutal flat line. A crease between her brows. If she had claws, I’d be shredded to bits by now.

“Can we talk?” My voice low as my eyes dart toward the hall, to the office.

She drops her gaze to my hand, then brings it back to my face. The ferocity in her stare makes me drop my hand and take a step back.

“Please,” I add in a softer tone.

Am I angry? Absolutely. But not for the reasons Peyton presumes.

“Fine. But make it quick. I need to do prep.”

Behind the bar, Adam and Kaylynn get to work with Josiah, Caleb, and Mable. Without being asked, they went into instructor mode. Showing their new coworkers how Roar operates. By the time Peyton and I finish our talk, the bar prep will be done with time to spare.

Without another word, I storm toward the office. The tip-tap, tip-tap of Peyton’s heeled boots clacks loud in my wake. I step into the office and move off to the side. Once she steps in, I slam the door and lock it.

“What the hell, Micah?” Her tone is fire and rage and trembles slightly.

Feet away, I huff out a laugh. “You’re angry at me? Seriously? Seems a bit backward.”

Her nostrils flare as her chest expands and contracts in rapid succession. The muscles of her jaw flex and tighten. Fists balled at her sides. “How so?”

“Shit like this doesn’t just happen overnight, Peyton.” I wave a hand in the air. “This type of change gets planned. Weeks and months ahead of time.”

“Your point?”

I take a step in her direction. “You think I’m mad at you? Mad about the promotion?”

She waves a hand in the air, up and down the length of my body. “Body language speaks volumes. As soon as it was announced, you retreated from me.”

I had pulled away from her. Stopped touching her. Stepped out of her bubble. Only because I felt betrayed. Betrayed by my bosses. And betrayed by Peyton, a woman I thought I had a connection with. I needed to hear everything without distraction. Needed to absorb the words being spoken. And I couldn’t do that with Peyton so close.

I take another step in her direction. “I’m not mad at you. More like the situation.”

“Not a fan of me being on the same level,” she bites out.

A smaller step. Her body close enough for me to touch. “That’s not it either,” I say with a shake of my head.

“Then what is it, Micah?” She cocks a brow. “Humor me.”

The corner of my mouth twitches, then relaxes. “Do you know how long I’ve worked here? How long it took me to step into a management role?” She doesn’t answer or react. “Longer than you. I busted my ass for three-plus years before it was even a possibility. And even then, it came with stipulations.”

Peyton’s shoulders lift, then drop. Her lips puckered and eyes unyielding.

“Not to sound petulant, but it feels like I had to bust my ass for something that landed in your lap.”

Her spine stiffens, the action inching her closer. “You think I haven’t paid my dues, Micah? You think Ani just handed me this? Goes to show, you don’t know shit.” She spins to face the door. “This conversation is done.”

Before she takes a step, I grip her elbow and twirl her back around. “No. Uh-uh. Not done yet.”

Peyton steps into me. The tip of her nose a millimeter from mine. “What else is there to say?”

My hand drops from her elbow and lands on her hip. Her lips part just enough for me to notice. I rest my other hand on the opposite hip. Her breasts brush my chest as her breath coats my lips. Her violet irises sparkle and don’t deviate from my pinned stare.

“Why did you hide the news? All the texts and times we’ve talked, you never mentioned it. Why?”

She exhales and I briefly close my eyes. God, I want to taste her lips, her skin.

“Nothing was set in stone. Ani and I talked about it here and there, but she never gave a timeline. Until last weekend. As in four days ago.”

I fist her hips, but not enough to bruise them. “Still could’ve told me.” The words practically inaudible.

Tags: Persephone Autumn Insomniac Duet Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025