A Love So Bright (Insomniac Duet 2) - Page 21


How do somany people know this much random shit?

When I first suggested Trivia Night to Ani, I figured it would revolve around movies, television and basic geography. Questions like “what is the capital of Arkansas?” or “name the show with a woman who performed magic with a twitch of her nose.” or “who crushed on Penny first in The Big Bang Theory?”

What we got instead was some serious nerd action. Super. Nerd. Action. And it’s kind of hot. I never pictured myself interested in highly intelligent men—the nerds of my youth were… odd—but I have a newfound appreciation for them. The women too.

“What’s the diameter of Earth?” the trivialist asks.


“It’s 7,917.5 miles,” Mr. Rolled Sleeves answers.

“Name the largest sea on Earth.”


“Philippine Sea,” Mr. Tall and Lanky states.

“List three Wonders of the Ancient World.”


“Great Pyramid of Giza, Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Lighthouse of Alexandria,” Ms. Hot Librarian says as she straightens her spine and pushes glasses up her nose.

Gina sidles up to me and fans herself with a coaster. “Damn.”

Tipping my head back, I laugh. “You and me both, girl. Never saw this day coming.” She lifts a brow. “When intelligence ranks in the top three traits to tick off.” At this, Gina laughs with a shake of her head.

“Speaking of guys…”

Over the last six weeks, since my promotion, Gina and I have bonded. We aren’t to the point where we hang outside Roar. But it has been nice forming this new relationship. Having another woman to shoot the shit with. Someone I can vent with or tell dirty details to.

She hadn’t been blind to the chemistry between me and Micah. Neither has most of the staff. My stomach constricted when she let me in on this non-secret. Guess I had been willfully blind to the staff and everyone else setting foot in Roar. Now, I notice every little detail. Pay attention to the way they watch us on the nights we work together. Pray our interactions don’t disrupt work.

Because things between Micah and I could definitely disrupt.


Pulling down on the tap, Gina fills a pint glass and hands it to a shorter man with shaggy brown hair. He scurries back to his chair, sips the beer, and holds his hand over his buzzer. This crowd stirs the best belly laughter and intriguing inquisition. Trivia Night was one of the best ideas, hands down.

Hands on her hips, mouth in a firm, straight line, Gina shakes her head. “Don’t play coy.”

I put on my best poker face while I laugh internally. But it’s fun. “Well” —I wipe the bar— “you didn’t ask a question.”

A sharp sting bites my skin after Gina whacks my bicep with a bar towel. “Smart-ass.” Rubbing away the sting, I shrug. “How’s things with starlight?”

Gina has no idea why I call Micah starlight. One night, she overheard us talking and my casual use of the nickname. Since then, she throws it out on occasion when we chat. I have no intention of telling her the meaning behind the name. All that would do is add another twenty questions to her mile-long list. For now, she believes it’s just me teasing him. I have no intention of changing her opinion.


With Gina, I give vague answers. One—it drives her crazy. Two—I don’t feel the need to divulge my entire life. Our friendship fairly new, I choose to keep some parts of my life private. Only one friend gets all the dirty details. Reese. Our bond wasn’t always what it is today, but we have been tight for years.

“Good?” she deadpans.

“Yeah. Good.”

“Remind me to never ask you for detailed opinions in the future.”

I laugh and mix drinks for an order Charity drops at the bar. “You got it.” Setting the Jack and Coke, Cosmo and IPA on the tray, Charity flashes her award-winning smile, then walks off to deliver the drinks. “Things have been good,” I say once Charity is out of earshot.

The staff may be aware Micah and I are friends—or more than friends, no definitions have been laid out. I don’t make a point to ask their opinion. What Micah and I have should not interfere with Roar. All workplaces are different—some lenient on personal relationships outside work, others not so much. Seeing as Ani is a friend and I tell her quite a bit, she is cool with whatever Micah and I have, so long as it doesn’t interrupt business.

For the most part, we maintain our managerial persona when on the floor. Sporadic flirting and banter are good for business. What we do away from the crowd is a different story.

Things with Micah haven’t veered back to steamy kisses and hands under shirts. Yet. But we seem to be speed walking the same path that led us there before. Part of me jumps at the idea of kissing Micah again. Ready to feel his soft, warm lips pressed to mine. Taste his hunger on my tongue. Thinking about it makes my mouth water and thighs clench.

My phone vibrates in my back pocket and I snap out of my wayward thoughts. Slipping it from my pocket, I glance down at the notification and snort. Micah’s ears must have been ringing.

“What’s funny?”

“Micah.” I shake the phone in my hand. “Like he knew we were talking about him.”

“Creepy.” Gina wanders down the bar, chats with customers not playing trivia, and leaves me to read the text in privacy.

Micah: Come over tonight ????

In the last month, Micah and I have hung out after work more. Gone to Teddy’s on occasion, but spent more time in his living room with take-out boxes and episodes of Supernatural. Last week, he introduced me to Peaky Blinders. Although he watched three of the seasons, he swears starting over is fine.

Peyton: I don’t know. These trivia guys are kind of hot.

Micah: You want to play twenty questions, hellcat?

I bite my lower lip and fight the grin begging to come out. I spin to face the wall of liquor bottles and hide the heat on my cheeks. Don’t know what it is, but the nickname he gave me makes me hot, bothered and goofy.

Peyton: Depends…

Tags: Persephone Autumn Insomniac Duet Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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