A Love So Bright (Insomniac Duet 2) - Page 22

Micah: On?

Peyton: Mood. Food. Booze.

Why did I press send? It isn’t only my brain that forgets how to properly function around Micah Reed. Obviously, my fingers have a mind of their own as well. Swell.

Micah: Really?

Peyton: Yep.

Micah: Best get your ass here after you say good night to the trivia BOYS.

I laugh out loud and Gina shoots me a that good, huh? With a shake of my head, I wave her off and resume texting.

Peyton: They are definitely MEN. Who knew nerds this good-looking existed?

Now, this is fun. Something about banter with Micah makes my chest lighter. Tugs at the corners of my lips. Makes my heart stutter. My breathing stammer. I dish it out and he gives it right back. It’s who we are, only the context has morphed over the last two months.

Micah: You want nerdy?

Peyton: I mean…

Micah: Be here after work ??

The urge to drag this out further tempts me, but I cut the conversation short. If I head into the office, paperwork will occupy me long enough for the night to end soon.

Peyton: I like it when you’re bossy ?? Later.

I stow my phone in my pocket and ignore the final buzz. Passing Gina, I signal toward the office and she nods. Behind the closed door, I slump down in the desk chair and eye the stack of work. Most of it is menial, but necessary. Never expected to be a number cruncher. Someone who sits behind a desk and fills in spreadsheets. But here I am, squeezing the armrests on the chair while tucking myself closer.

And I love it.

Tags: Persephone Autumn Insomniac Duet Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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