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Mister Bennett (Mister 1)

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Chapter SIXTEEN ~ Unexpected Beginnings

I moved the heavy boxesand neatly stacked them on top of one another. The movers should be here any minute and my eyes locked on the time. My hands felt clammy as I fidgeted with them and sat down on my couch. I felt sick to my stomach and placed my hands on my head. Taking several deep breaths until the feeling subsides. I’ve been a mess since I decided, and the stress of my decision was eating me alive. I handed in my resignation to Merlin and he expressed how sorry he was that I left. His face appeared genuine, but something felt off. My gut instinct nagged at me that he was putting on a fake front just for me. I couldn’t help wondering if he was smiling inside because he’d won. He’d been successful in keeping Grant away from me and in the arms of another woman. A gorgeous supermodel that would fit right into his life more than I ever could.

“You need to move on, Becca.” I sighed to myself as my voice echoed inside my packed-up apartment and a knock pounded on my door.

I sprang to my feet and opened the door to the three men dressed in the same attire. Gazing down to read their company logo upon their neatly kept shirts with the name Easy Movers. I shook the nearest man’s hand and gave brief, but quick instructions. “You can start in here and work your way towards the bedroom. Everything’s ready to go.”

All three men nodded as I moved out of their way and into the hallway. There’s nothing left for me to do now except wait. Wait for my life to get packed up here and moved out of town. Far away from here and as far away from the famous Mr. Grant Bennett. I jumped as the shrill ring of my cell phone sounded throughout the hallway and I fumbled to answer it.

Who could it possibly be?

“Hello, this is Becca.” I announced and answered the call with a curious frown.

“Becca, hey, it’s me, Blair.” Blair responded as her voice registered and I’m surprised to hear from her. “I’m just calling to see how things are going because I found out you’re moving. Merlin won’t stop talking about it because he has to find a new photographer.”

“Oh, hi, Blair, yes, things are moving along nicely and the movers are here now. My life’s being packed up as we speak.” I sighed and gazed down at my feet. “It will be good though, because Merlin gave me a good recommendation for job interviews. Everything should go as planned and I’m not worried.”

“Well, I know you’re not worried about that, Becca. You’re a fabulous photographer and any company would be lucky to have you. We both know that’s not what I’m worried about here.” Blair admitted as her voice pleaded with me for honesty, but I could do nothing more with my decision. It's already decided and nothing could change my mind.

“Blair, I’m honestly not sure why you called because nothing else is going on except my decision to move on. Working with Mr. Bennett has been great, but I’m just needing more for my career.” I said as I flat out lied and hoped she’d just leave the issue alone.

“Well, you should know, Grant’s been a mess and your decision hit him pretty hard.” Blair said and my heart leapt into my throat at her admission. “Becca, there’s something you should know.”

“What could I possibly need to know, Blair? If you’re trying to convince me to stay, I’m not going to. It’s too late for any of this now and Grant can be happy with Flow.” I whispered as a single tear fell down my cheek and my feet shuffled on the floor.

“Becca, would you just listen to me for a second, there’s something I need to tell you. Something that I should’ve told you a while ago, but didn’t and I need to clear my conscience. I need you to know...” Blair’s voice cut out as I listened to the steady, but constant sound in my ear.

Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep

“Blair?” I breathed as I hung up the phone and stared at it with confusion.

What the hell was that all about?

My heart pounded, and it vibrated my head. Throbbing as my mind reels and tries to make sense of what just occurred. My fingers fumbling to find her number, dialing it, but no answer on the other line. No matter how much I tried, it went straight to her voicemail repeatedly.

It’s no use.

I stuffed my cell phone back into my purse, sighed with frustration, and my back hit the wall. I watched the movers take my bed frame from my apartment. Realizing that was the last of it and my life was all ready to go. It’s so easy to just pack up and move onto the next. It’s not that easy for my heart that felt like I shattered it into a million pieces.

“It’s time to say goodbye.” I breathed as I grabbed my purse from the floor and glanced at my closed apartment door one last time.

I never imagined I’d be leaving so soon and never thought I could lose my heart to the one man I couldn’t have. I was a fool to even consider anything different, and now my heart paid the price. It’s time to leave and move on from here. It’s time to move forward and see where life takes me next. I walked slowly from the apartment building and could see Grant’s beautiful eyes as they shone at me one last time. His beautiful features stuck in my mind and his creative spark would haunt my heart forever.


I SMELLED THE FRESHcountry air as it filled my lungs and my eyes gazed out upon the beautiful sunset right at my doorstep. Peering out at the sky as it changed colors, and the day ended with the night beginning. The chair rocked and the cool breeze lingered upon my cheeks. The sight was breathtaking from my new country home as I sat on the wrap-around porch and sipped on my water.

“Nothing beats this beautiful view.” I mumbled to myself and smiled.

I found a gorgeous home out in the countryside like I’d always dreamed of. Working for Mr. Bennett had paid off just like I’d wanted it too, but the aftershock took a toll on me. I never wanted to achieve my dream like this with my heart broken and thousands of miles away from the one I wanted most. Never thinking this would happen as the days tick by since I left the city, and it never seems to get easier. There’s not a single day that I didn’t think about what I’d lost. That I didn’t crave to have him come back to me and in my arms, but I knew the cost was too high. No longer for me, but for Mr. Grant Bennett.

“Oh, no, not again...” I muttered to myself as I ran inside the house and rushed towards my bathroom. My stomach felt like everything I ate earlier was about to come up. My head felt dizzy as I leaned over the toilet and the contents of dinner ended up inside the toilet. “When is this going to end?”

I grabbed a piece of toilet paper as I dabbed my mouth and leaned back against the wall. This had been happening every day for a week straight. Figuring it had to be the flu, but I’m not so sure anymore. I needed to head into town first thing in the morning to see the doctor because something wasn’t right and I could feel my body changing. I’ve put this off long enough and needed to know what’s going on.

I rose slowly from the floor and headed straight for my bedroom. Gazing around at my modern, but elegant home as I went. The walls painted tones of grey and the furnishings stood out against it. My body felt exhausted from this past week of uncertainty, and I needed rest for the morning. I climbed into bed and let the soft sheets consume me as my body relaxed. Closing my eyes and thinking about what’s coming. Tonight, I’d rest and tomorrow was a brand-new day that would hopefully bring me the answer I needed.


THE DOCTOR’S OFFICEwas everything I tried to avoid. After everything I’ve been through, one would think I’d visit it more. I sat in the cramped room on a firm chair that dug into my ass and made me fidget uncomfortably. Waiting for the doctor to come in. She took quite a while, and I fumbled with my hands. Feeling anxious about what this could be, but curious at the same time. I’ve never felt this sick and if I have, it doesn’t last this long.

I glanced up at the clock as I listened to it tick by and it read ten o’clock in the morning. I’ve already been sitting here for fifteen long minutes, but it feels like forever. “What could be taking so long?”

Suddenly, there’s a slight knock at the door and a head popped in with a bright smile upon her face. “Good morning, Becca.”

She had gorgeous blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She’s young, but spunky for her age, and I’m glad I picked her as my doctor. “Hi, Dr. McKenzie, I’m so glad to see you.”

“Well, I don’t hear that too often.” Dr. McKenzie chuckled as she entered the room and took a seat near her computer. “So, I heard you’ve been feeling quite sick for the past week?”

“Yes, that’s correct, and I don’t have the slightest idea what could cause it. Every day I’m feeling sick to the point I lose everything I’ve eaten that day. I feel dizzy, lightheaded, I’m snacking more and I...” I said as my voice trailed off and Dr. McKenzie looked at me with a serious expression. “What is it? What’s wrong with me?”

“Well, there’s nothing that’s wrong with you, Becca. It’s more of an unexpected thing that has happened.” Dr. McKenzie explained as she cut her answer short and took a seat by the computer desk.

“It is?” I asked and gazed at her with my eyes narrowed in confusion. “Well, that’s a relief that I’m okay, but I don’t quite understand.”

“Well, Becca, have you noticed you’re late for your period?” Dr. McKenzie asked as she looked at something on her computer screen and back towards me.

“No, I hadn’t even thought about it because I’ve been so busy and preoccupied.” I responded as my thoughts drifted off and I pondered.

When was my last period?

How could I have forgotten about that?

I’ve been so consumed with work, my heart wrenching decision and Grant. Thinking back towards the last time I had my period and counting down the days. Trying to add them up in my mind as I contemplated her question and couldn’t believe I didn’t even know.

I’d completely forgotten...

“Oh my god, I’m late for my period.” I whispered with disbelief and stared wide-eyed into her blue ones.

“Yes, you are, Becca.” Dr. McKenzie announced as she looked right into my eyes and it’s then I knew my entire world was about to change. “And from your urine sample that was collected after you got here, it appears you’re pregnant.”

I’m frozen with shock and felt lightheaded once more. I did not know if it’s from the shock of her words she’d just spoken or from the baby growing inside me, but I didn’t care. All I cared about was Grant and I’m pregnant with his child. In those times of passion, we’d created something I never thought I’d ever have. Now I do, but at the most inconvenient time. We’re a thousand miles apart and we’re not meant to be, but this baby was. This is Grant’s baby, and he had every right to know about it. I have to tell him I’m carrying his child and there’s no better time than right now. He needed to know the truth and no one could stop me.

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