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Mister Bennett (Mister 1)

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Chapter SEVENTEEN ~ Secret

I’m on the road firstthing after leaving the doctor’s office with her scheduling me for my next appointment. The next appointment would be the first ultrasound and Grant should be there. He should have a choice to be a part of this child’s life, and I knew I needed to get to him. No matter what was going on. I drove my car as fast as I could, but maintained the speed limits. My mind ran wild with thoughts of what could happen, but I hoped for the best. I knew Grant and he would want to be a part of this child’s life no matter what, but I couldn’t help feeling nervous.

Fidgeting with my hands as the car crept closer, loosely holding the steering wheel and trying to calm myself. “You can do this, Becca. Do this for you and the baby.”

I dabbed my stomach as my hand rubbed back and forth. I’m still in shock at the news, but it made so much sense to me now. How sick I’ve been feeling and all the symptoms I’ve been displaying. My stomach had even been more bloated than normal, and I couldn’t believe I’d missed all the signs. Couldn’t believe I’d forgotten about my period like that, but so much had been happening that it slipped my mind. My hand trembled as my stomach growled with hunger, and I realized I needed to make a stop. I needed to think about my baby and right now this baby was as hungry as I am. Smiling as I saw a sign in the busy city’s streets for a restaurant up ahead. It’s not much further and a break would be nice. I could stretch my heavy legs and get this baby something to eat.

I parked my car on the bustling city street as vehicles passed by and it brought back memories. Memories of where I used to be and how much I’d grown to love it. How much I’d grown to love a man I shouldn’t have. I should’ve stayed far away from him, but our connection was much too strong. I cut the ignition for my car and opened the door as I walked towards the restaurant’s entrance. Opening the enormous doors with a busy crowd surrounding me and a server brings me to my table. I thanked her and took my seat as I gazed up at a gigantic television screen. The latest news lit it up and my eyes went wide as Mr. Grant Bennett’s beautiful face came upon it. My heart felt full as I gazed at him and felt all the feelings rush back. Ordering my food quickly and thinking about Grant. Seeing red when Flow’s face swept on the screen, but there was no volume to hear what it was about. It doesn’t matter because I’m determined to get to Grant and tell him everything.

I ate in a hurry after my delicious burger and fries arrived. The food hit the spot as I felt much more energized and satisfied than before. I left the restaurant in a hurry and needed to see this through. Driving the car until I hit the usual traffic jam and hitting my hand against the wheel. “Goddamn, why did I come this way?”

The traffic was heavy, and it took me some time to push through. Growing closer, I feel the adrenaline surging throughout my body. I’m so close and there’s no turning back now. Grant’s enormous mansion came into view and it’s a place I couldn’t forget. Not just because of its elegant beauty, but because it reminded me so much of him. His creativity, elegant spark, and his sexy confidence.

I parked just outside the entrance as I gazed up at the enormous doorway and exhaled. “All right, Becca, this is it, it’s now or never.”

I exited my car, pressed the key fob until it chirped and strolled up towards the door. Knocking and ringing the doorbell, but receiving no answer. I placed my trembling hand on the door handle and pushed. The giant door opened on the first try to a smile of relief playing out upon my face. Heading inside, gazing around and feeling unsure of what I may find. Walking from room to room in search of Grant. Feeling more anxious by the minute because there wasn’t any sign of anyone being here.

Maybe he just wasn’t home, and this was a huge mistake?

“It’s no use because no one is here.” I sighed as I shrugged with defeat and turned to leave.

“I’m here, Becca, but what are you doing here?” Merlin asked as he stood in the center of the room and his voice echoed.

“Merlin, Jesus, why are you in Grant’s house?” I asked, startled and peered at him in surprise. “I-I’m here to see, Grant.”

“I’m here overseeing business for him that he needed me to take care of, and I can see I came at the right time.” Merlin responded as he looked over my body and curiosity took over his face. “Why are you back here, Becca? Why do you need to see, Grant?”

I became nervous as I realized Grant wasn’t there, and Merlin must be the only one here. Merlin’s always business as usual, but at Grant’s expense. My hand fell upon my stomach as I rubbed my belly and felt like I’d come here for nothing. “There’s something important I need to discuss with Grant and I need you to help me speak to him.”

Merlin peered at me as he stepped closer, and his eyes went wide. His mouth opened as if he’d just figured out the biggest news of his life. Except it had nothing to do with him, I just needed him so I could get to Grant. Merlin reached out his hand, but I stepped back. “Becca, I’m afraid I can’t do that because you’re too late.”

“What the hell are you talking about, Merlin?” I asked and looked up at him with confusion.

“I see what’s going on here, but you’re too late and Grant’s happy. After you left, him and Flow connected and he’s happier than he’s ever been. I’m sorry, but Flow and Grant will get married before the year is out. Haven’t you seen the news?” Merlin asked as his voice faded and my mind went numb.

Grant’s happy with Flow, and they're getting married?

How is this possible?

How could this be happening to me?

“Becca? Becca, are you all right?” Merlin asked with concern as he went blurry and I saw double. “You don’t look well; would you like to sit down?”

“N-no, I-I need to get going because this was a huge mistake. I’m sorry and don’t bother telling Grant I was ever here.” I stuttered as I pushed past Merlin and stumbled towards the front door.

Running out of Grant’s mansion with tears streaming down my face. My heart broke to pieces once more and not only for me, but for my child growing inside of me. Grant’s marrying a famous supermodel and wants nothing to do with me.

How could I be so stupid and careless?

How could I even think Grant felt something for me?

It was all a lie and he must never find out. My child won’t ever know its father, and Grant would never know his child. He must never know I love him and long to be with him. Grant Bennett must never know about our child together and would remain a secret, no matter what I had to do to keep it that way.

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