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Mister Bennett (Mister 1)

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Chapter NINETEEN ~ Young Model

My dress sparkled asI admired myself in the full-length mirror and turned from side to side. I anxiously combed my fingers through my straightened hair and gazed down at my black dress. It hugged my curves perfectly and I couldn’t remember the last time I’ve gotten dressed up. Amelia made it very clear how excited she was about this event and I needed to bring everything I had. She deserves this break, and she’s been a tremendous supporter of mine since moving here. I’d love to make her proud and bring some life-changing news our way. I applied my red lipstick and puckered my lips, just as I saw an innocent face appear in the mirror, making me smile. “Sweetie, how does momma look?”

“You look so beautiful, momma!” Gabriella exclaimed as her eyes twinkled and she hugged my side. She sniffed the air and smiled sweetly. “You smell so pretty!”

“It’s my special perfume, and it’s for a special day.” I explained as I giggled at her sweetness and bent down to her level. “Did you finish all your homework because Annette will be here soon and I know she has something special planned just for you.”

“Oh, really?” Gabriella beamed with excitement and clapped her hands together. “And yes, momma, my homework’s all finished.”

“Good, you don’t want to miss this one.” I said as I playfully winked at her and stood up. The doorbell rang throughout the house, and I headed downstairs. “That must be Annette now.”

“I will get it, momma!” Gabriella cried out as she raced down the hallway and flew down the staircase.

She’s so full of wonder and excitement it made me feel at peace, leaving her for some time. I knew ahead of time it would be a busy day and Annette had a big day planned for the both of them. I wished I could see Gabriella’s face light up as she gazed upon the zoo that Annette took them to, but I knew she’d have the time of her life.

“Annette, you’re here early? I thought you weren’t coming for at least another hour?” I asked, as I frowned and looked at my watch.

“It’s quite all right, Becca.” Annette sighed and waved her hand at me. “I just figured we could get an early start and give you more time to prepare.”

“Oh, well, that’s very kind of you. I shall pay you for the extra time.” I smiled at her.

“No, no, there’s no need. Just being around this wonderful child is all the payment I need.” Annette said as she smiled sweetly and gazed down at Gabriella. I definitely got lucky with Annette coming into our lives, she’s like family and I’m so grateful for her.

“All right, sweetheart, it sounds like you’re on your way to the big surprise and I’m so excited for you.” I announced as I smiled brightly and saw Gabriella gazing up at me. Her shoes already on, backpack pressed against her back and a light jacket hugging her tightly. “Well, look who’s just all ready to hit the road.”

Annette and I laughed as Gabriella’s eyes sparkled with wonder. I bent down, hugged her tightly, and took in the moment as her tiny arms wrapped around my body. Her soft locks caressed my cheek and I could still smell the scent of fruity shampoo in her hair from the bath last night. I leaned back and looked into her piercing green eyes as I realized these are the moments I want to remember for the rest of my life.

“Okay, momma, can I go now?” Gabriella sighed as she looked towards the door and childlike wonder filled her body.

“Yes, sweetheart, but you have a blast. Momma will see you before you know it.” I said as she opened the door and looked back at me. “I love you, Gabriella.”

“I love you too, momma.” Gabriella said and hit the ground running for the car.

“Well, I guess that means it’s time for me to go.” Annette said as she laughed and headed out the door. “See you soon, Becca, and good luck today.”

I waved as the door closed behind them and the house fell into silence. The sound of Annette’s car broke the silence, starting up and driving down the long dirt driveway. The house felt so lonely with no one here, and I knew I should get going. If I don’t, the loneliness would take hold and memories would creep their way back in. Filling my mind with wonder of what could’ve been, but knowing it’s too late now.

“I’ve got to get out of here...” I sighed to myself as I grabbed my keys, purse, and camera bag. Putting on my silver high heels and leaving my silent home. Leaving the memories behind and moving far away from them. I started my car and hit the gas as the car took off towards my destination. Feeling like I’m gaining distance as I drive, but as I draw closer to where I need to be, nervousness sets in. How could I possibly feel so off? There’s just something nagging at me about this day that feels like it could be a complete disaster.


THE YOUNG MODEL FUNDRAISINGevents packed and I’m so glad I arrived early. Before my arrival, I called Amelia to let her know I was coming early, and she was more than happy. I’m able to get setup ahead of time and be sure everything would be just perfect. The fundraising event was extravagant, the shades of black and silver filling the rooms. The runway set up for the models was on point and there’s food as far as the eye could see. This event was definitely pricey and had a huge price tag written all over it. I have no idea how Amelia landed this job, but she was right. This event was a big deal for us and I couldn’t let her down.

“Did you see that model over there? Make sure you shoot him because my god he’s gorgeous.” Amelia whispered from behind me and moved closer towards the model in question.

“On it, boss.” I breathed as I followed him and clicked away.

Keeping out of sight and catching him in his natural element as I creep around in the shadows. He’s a fine-looking man, but wasn’t my taste. He’s most definitely more Amelia’s and I could see why she wanted me to follow him.

Suddenly, the lights dimmed, and the runway lit up with vibrant colors. All eyes turned towards the runway as a voice came over the speaker, and an older man stepped out on the runway. He smiled from ear to ear brightly, and it wasn’t until his voice registered with me, I realized who held the microphone in his grasp. A man I wished to never see again and hoped wouldn’t expose me as memories flooded back.

“Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to a day filled with talent. This fundraising event is not only full of young models looking to make it big, but famous talent that is here to guide them to stardom.” Merlin announced as his eyes gazed over the crowd, and I stood frozen in time as I clenched my camera. “So put your hands together for a day to remember and let’s welcome our guests.”

“Becca, this is it! Get up there and get ready!” Amelia explained with a high-pitched whisper of excitement as she pushed out of the crowd and tapped me on my shoulder. “Well, what are you waiting for, go!”

She broke me out of my funk as I moved forward quickly towards the runway and stood off to the side. I needed the perfect spot to view the models as they hit the runway, but I also needed to keep out of the audience’s way. The music turned up, and Merlin announced each model as they hit the runway. My camera zoomed, clicked and flashed for each one. They spun, swayed and posed. Applause fell over the crowd, and I could feel the adrenaline rush through the air. The beat of the music changed, and the lights glowed on the entrance to the runway as my eyes followed.

“And now for our special guest and someone no one was expecting. Let’s all welcome, Mr. Grant Bennett!” Merlin announced, as his voice rang through my ears and my heart fell into my throat.

The crowd went wild and Mr. Bennett himself strode out onto the runway like he owned it. His piercing green eyes gazed over the crowd as he glided out in a silver and white tux. His hair tousled and sexy as hell. His body screamed of all the masculinity that could make a woman come undone, and one of those women was me. He walked closer and closer and my camera lens pointed, but my finger wouldn’t click. I couldn’t move because I’m mesmerized by his movements and he drew me in like he always does. His eyes moved closer and closer until they finally met mine as time came to a halt. He never took his gaze off of me as he posed, and I watched on with disbelief. He moved closer still as he leaped off the runway, but in a way that no one would suspect wasn’t for the show. My camera fell from my grasp as I felt the neck strap tug tightly and pressed the camera against my chest. My breathing picked up and my heart pounded in my ears. He stood right in front of me with his piercing green eyes staring into the depths of me. I could see the questions filling them as he looked back at me and I looked at him. My vision went blurry and my head spun. I fell and before my vision turned to black, all I could see was his bright green depths as they reached out for me.

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