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Mister Bennett (Mister 1)

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Chapter TWENTY ~ Years Gone By

“Becca? Becca, can youhear me?” Amelia said faintly as I blinked my eyes and squinted up at her. My eyes adjusted, and I could see Grant’s gorgeous face behind hers. “Becca, thank god, girl, you scared the shit out of me!”

I felt extremely warm and realized the warmth I felt was from Grant’s embrace. My breath caught as I peered up into his eyes, and he looked back down at me. His gaze felt soft and kind, but filled with questions. He opened his mouth to speak and clamped it closed again.

“What the hell happened, Becca?” Amelia asked, as my gaze turned to hers and I snapped into action.

“I-I don’t know, but I need some water.” I muttered with a raspy throat and stood on my own two feet. Wobbling slightly and Amelia wrapping her arm around me just as Grant reaches for me.

“Oh, easy, Becca...” Amelia said, and her eyes narrowed with concern.

I nodded my head slightly towards Amelia and turned towards Grant. “Thank you for catching me.”

“I couldn’t very well let a lady fall and you’re more than welcome, beauty.” Grant breathed as he peered right into my soul, and I felt heat rise to my cheeks.

Just hearing him call me that brought back memories. It made me see he remembered me better than I imagined he would. I’d always pictured this moment in my mind, but never imagined falling into his arms. Seeing him again for the first time after nine years and swooping me into a passionate kiss. Holding me close and never letting me go. Not staring at me full of questions and calling by the one name I miss so much. I never pictured his reaction being like this. Almost like no time had passed at all, but in fact so much time had and we share a beautiful daughter. A daughter he doesn’t even know about and would never know.

“I-I need some air, Amelia. Can we head outside... Alone?” I pleaded and my eyes begged with Amelia to understand.

Amelia looked at Grant and me with confusion. Grant’s gaze never left my body, and I felt he wanted to pull me away to talk in private, but I couldn’t afford that. I needed space to think before I did something incredibly stupid.

“Okay, we could do that, but Mr. Bennett, thank you for catching my friend. I’m not sure what got into her, but it won’t happen again.” Amelia expressed as she apologized and he simply nodded his head. Amelia held me close as we walked out the entrance and climbed down a couple of stairs. I sat down and she sat beside me as I laid my head in my hands. “You’ve got to tell me what the hell is going on? Why the hell did Mr. Bennett call you beauty?”


She heard that part, but how could she not?

I’d just hoped she didn’t hear him speak about anything, but now I knew she had, and I knew my friend. She wouldn’t let this go easily and there’s no more escaping the truth with her any longer. I needed to come clean and tell her the truth.

I lifted my head and looked into her confused gaze. “You’re right, and I need to tell you everything that’s going on, but you have to promise me one thing? You’re not allowed to tell anyone about this because it’s that important.”

“Oh my gosh, Becca, you’ve got me scared, you’re shaking...” Amelia breathed, as she grabbed my hands in hers to stop them from trembling. “I promise this will stay between us, but I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what’s going on?”

“Okay, well I’m just going to come right out and say it.” I breathed as I closed my eyes and the words fell from my lips into the air. “Mr. Grant Bennett is Gabriella’s father, and he does not know.”

I felt a slight relief climb off my shoulders as I cracked my eyes and looked at Amelia. Her mouth hung wide open and eyes were the widest I’d ever seen them. She just stared at me for several moments as silence hung in the air and I stood up. Fidgeting with my hands, pacing back and forth on the step as I mumble. “So, I never spoke a word, and it was a huge mistake...”

I stop pacing, feeling a gentle hand touch my shoulder, causing me to jump and spin around. Amelia looked deeply into my eyes, and her voice whispered. “You fucked a famous model and had his beautiful daughter? I can see why you didn’t tell me, but you’ve got to tell me the entire story. I never saw this coming.”

I exhaled and spilled everything to her. Starting from the very beginning and never leaving a juicy detail out. The words just seemed to tumble from my mouth, and I couldn’t get it out fast enough. I watched on as Amelia’s facial expressions changed and the story unfolded, but it just wasn’t any story. It’s my life, my reality that I’ve been living with and keeping secret from everyone all these years. It’s about time I come clean and tell someone the truth, but who better than my good friend.

“And that’s how I ended up at your doorstep and in need of a new job.” I sighed as I finished and looked down at my hands.

“I just can’t believe all that happened and you’ve been keeping this all inside. The whole time I’ve known you.” Amelia whispered as her arms reached out and she hugged me tightly. “I wish you would’ve told me sooner because I’d be telling you to go get your man.”

I felt tears come to my eyes as I held her in return and didn’t want to let go. “I couldn’t because he’s married and it wouldn’t have mattered.”

“Honey, you have a child together and he has every right to know about that gorgeous little girl.” Amelia whispered as she pulled away and looked into my eyes. “I understand where you’re coming from and I’d be scared too, but that’s his child. You can’t just keep him away from his child.”

“That’s just it, Amelia! He’ll hate me after all this time and I never once was trying to keep him from her. His career ruined, his life torn apart, and for what? For me? I couldn’t do that to him because I loved him too much.” I sobbed as my body trembled and I turned away. “I’ve never stopped loving him and after seeing him just now, it’s almost like no time has passed. Wanting to tell him more than anything and hoping he will understand, but I can’t do it. I can’t stand to lose him all over again. I can’t bring Gabriella into this and have her own father just turn her away.”

“Is that what you think he’d do? Do you honestly think he’d do that to his own child?” Amelia asked from behind me as I spun around and looked at her.

“No, I don’t, but it’s always a possibility, and that’s only one reason this can never get out. Grant can never know about Gabriella.” I breathed and saw a glimmer shine in Amelia’s eyes.

“Don’t you think this isn’t fate? What are the chances that after everything you’ve been through you’d both end up here?” Amelia pondered as she pointed up towards the building and shook her head. “There’s just no way this didn’t happen for a reason.”

Gazing up towards the grand entrance and knowing that I couldn’t go back in there. “I don’t believe in fate, and this is just some freak accident. I can’t be here anymore and I hope you can understand that. We’ve got a lot of images that we can work with, but I’m sorry, I need to go, Amelia.”

“Okay, I understand, and I respect your decision. Not only as your friend, but as your boss as well. I definitely think we got more than enough and I can take it from here.” Amelia agreed as she extended her hand and I passed her the camera.

“Thank you, Amelia and I’m sorry I never spoke of this sooner.” I sighed as I looked down at the ground and felt embarrassed.

“Oh, Becca, stop it. You’re protecting your daughter and you had other reasons. Not that I agree with all of them, but I’m your friend. I’m always going to be there for you, no matter what stupid shit you get yourself into.” She grinned as she giggled, and I smiled shyly at her. “Now, get the hell out of here and go give that beautiful daughter of yours a kiss for me.”

“I will, Amelia.” I said and smiled at her. “Thank you.”

“Anytime, Becca.” Amelia said as she smiled and I turned on my heels.

I headed straight for my car and didn’t look back. Running towards it, needing some time to clear my head and think. I needed to pull myself together and not fall apart. I need to remain strong with one goal in mind and that’s protecting my daughter. If I didn’t know any better, from the look in Grant’s piercing green stare, he’d come to find me, and I had to be ready.

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