One Chance - Page 21

“I’m Chance,” Chance says, turning with a grin and thrusting his hand into Cyrus’s, shaking it firmly. “You’ve got to be Cyrus.” He turns his head as Tor comes in through the doorway behind carrying a take out bag. “And Tor, right?”

Tor nods. “And you’ve got some explaining to do. Like what the fuck you’re doing breaking in here.”

“I didn’t break in, the door was unlocked.”

“Potato, potahto.”

I grunt, stepping in between them all. “Potato, potahto, my ass! You two are not going to ruin this for me and scare off the best thing that’s ever happened in my life.”

“Not gonna happen, babe,” Chance says behind me. “And speaking of your ass.” I feel his hands settle on my behind, and a grin spreads over my face.

“I think that’s the cue for you two to get the halibut out of my house! I don’t need you muscling in here, okay? I’m fine. Better than fine. And unless you want to see your sister getting her freak on, I suggest you make your way to the exit.” I point at the doorway as I watch both Tor’s and Cyrus’s faces drop at the mention of what’s about to happen.

They exchange a glance, close their eyes like they are trying to forget what I just said then back away.

“You’re sure you’re okay?” Tor asks as he gets to the door.

“Out!” I shout. “Both of you, out of my house this second!”

I watch them leave, a little grin playing on my lips. Alone at last.

“Alone at last,” Chance whispers, echoing my thought right in my ear, making me tense he’s so close. I squeal when his lips connect with the back of my neck, and I feel just the slightest pinch of his teeth.

Turning, I’m wrapped in his arms, and there’s no more waiting left in either of us. Time to consecrate our deal.

As I sink down onto my knees, eyes on his face the whole time, I can’t help but wonder how I ended up so lucky. One night of throwing caution to the wind, and now I have everything I could ever want.

Right here.

And for the rest of my life.

Tags: Dani Wyatt Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025