One Chance - Page 22



Epilogue – Five Years Later

I’mout in the shop with our oldest Max welding the last piece of metal onto the enormous horse sculpture I’m making for a client.

It’s been five years and Sophia and I are as happy as pigs in shit still.

We have two kiddos. Max who will turn five here shortly and Emma who is three.

We live between our second home in San Phillipe and West Lake here where we still have two restaurants but my wife is not as obsessed with work as she was.

I support her completely, but she started running herself ragged trying to be super mom and restaurant Wonder Woman and I had to step in.

I laid down some rules because her well being and health outweighs everything else.

I see the light flash as the door to the shop opens and the silhouette of my incredibly sexy wife is standing there.

“I’m ready.” She twirls, showing off the new white sundress I bought her yesterday. “Emma is already buckled in the car, she wouldn’t wait.”

“Okay.” I shut off my torch and throw off my helmet nodding to Max. “Let’s go buddy.”

He gives me a salute and races toward Sophia, grabbing her around the legs.

“I love the Phillipe house. I want to live there forever.” Max says to Sophia who pats his dark hair.

“I know buddy. But, we are so lucky to have both places. We are blessed.”

He rushes out the door toward the car as I lean down and kiss my little dark haired spitfire of a wife.

“You take your vitamins?” I ask as she rolls her eyes. “Is that a yes?”

“I forgot.”

“I’m going to remind you. Turn around.” I spin her shoulder and flip up her dress, yanking down her pink panties and giving her a hard smack on each butt cheek.

“Ouch. Meanie.”

I drive my fingers down then upward into her sopping wet hole. “Your pussy likes it mean.” I finger fuck her a few strokes until she’s bracing her arms on the doorway.

She’s panting as I give her a hot, fast finger bang and she’s gushing into my palm when we hear Max yelling for us to hurry up.

“Got take your vitamins.” I put her dress back in place and kiss her hard. “Hurry up. No missing our flight.”

“Mean and bossy.”

“Go.” I point toward the house and give her a soft push in that direction. “I’ll be in the car, I’ll do battle with Max.”

Boy hates his car seat and sometimes, he bucks so hard, it takes all my will power to be patient and get him strapped in. The boy is strong, stubborn too and I know he gets that from both of us.

Life is nothing like I imagined it would be. But, it’s so much better.

After a bumpy start, I’m like a brother to Tor and Cyrus. Natalie, Tor’s wife, is popping out babies like Tic-Tacs. Cyrus found his one and only soon after I cam on the scene. Her name is Trina and man, she gave him a run for his money before he nailed her down.

Sophia’s mom and grandmother think I hung the moon and I’m thankful every second of every day that I had another opportunity in life to know what having a good, healthy family is like.

I’ll never fail my wife or my children. They are my reason for getting up in the morning and my life woud be lost without them.

My little sculpture business has turned into a damn good livelihood. I love the creative process and the hot, hard work. We have great investments as well thanks to Cyrus and the restaurants are thriving even with Sophia taking less of a day to day role in the operations.

I never thought I’ve have one chance to grab the brass ring in this life but when it came along, I didn’t hesitate. I knew it from the first moment.

I got a ring on her finger and a baby in her belly as soon as I could. She’s mine.

For life.


Fuck me. I’m finally happy.

Tags: Dani Wyatt Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025