Flawless Ruin - Page 38

I have no choice, I rise and head toward him, his dirty words echoing in my ears. ‘Does he hold you down to suck his cock? Do you take it all the way, and swallow every drop, like a good girl?’

I feel his hands digging into me, his cock thrusting deep. My nipples pucker, and my body’s buzzing by the time I reach the door, but I grip my notebook like a shield and force myself to stay cool.

“Yes?” I ask, icy.

Caleb barely looks at me. “I have to work out the details of our partnership with Moda Eccezionale, so I’ve got to go to Italy for a few days. I need you to take this down.”

He starts listing all the things he needs to have done while he’s away. It’s a long list, the kind the stepmother gave to Cinderella, but I jot it down joyfully. A few days without him? This is good. This is great. I need to put space between us and figure out my exit strategy. Hell, I could quit while he’s away, just hand in my resignation to Vicki and be gone by the time he returns. No awkward scene, no smug victory in his eyes.

I’ll be free.

I find myself exhaling with relief as I finish up the list.

“This shouldn’t be a problem,” I say, smiling at the thought. “I’ll start right away. When are you leaving?”

“When are we leaving, you mean. Tomorrow afternoon.”

I nod. “Who else is on the trip?”


I look up in shock. “What?”

“You heard me.” Caleb looks almost amused as he takes in my surprise—and panic.

The two of us, on a trip together, for days?

“No, thank you.” I say, fighting to stay calm.

“It isn’t an invitation, Juliet. It’s an order.”

Dammit. I hate the way I shiver with lust at that tone of voice, the one that’s ordered me to my knees before. Then, I went willingly. Eagerly. But no more.

I shake my head. “Vicki can go. She’s been here longer, and she has a million times more experience than I do. She’s—”

“Not you.” His eyes never leave mine. “Are you really going to disobey me on this? I would have thought you’d jump at the chance for a free trip abroad.”

I have to snort at that. Because free is the last thing this trip would be.

I would pay, somehow.

Italy’s been on my bucket list for years, but I always imagined strolling down the streets, taking in its many delights, with the man I loved. Not the man who’s leading me by a leash, who has sex with me and then walks away and ignores me.

That thought is in my head as I rise to my full height and stare him down. “And I’m telling you… I have other things to do and can’t leave on such short notice.”

He smirks. “What, exactly, do you have to do?”

“Well…” I should’ve better prepared for that question, but as it is, it catches me completely unaware. “My mother. I can’t leave her alone—”

“She’s getting the best care in the country. I think you can.”

He’s right about that. She’s getting the best care, courtesy of him. “But—”

“You have big plans with your boyfriend?”

I scowl at him. “So what if I do?”

His smirk widens. “I guarantee they’ll pale in comparison to the plans I have for you.”

Tags: Roxy Sloane Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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