Flawless Ruin - Page 39

Face heating, I take a step backwards, only stopping when my knees abruptly hit the chair behind me. The plans he has for me. That statement arouses all kinds of wicked fantasies in my head.

I force them away. “Stop it.”

He raises an eyebrow. “Stop what?”

I let out a sigh of exasperation. “You know! You’re doing all this to torment me, and it isn’t fair. I’m not your plaything to yank around, wherever you see fit.”

His gaze is hot on mine. “From what I recall, you were doing your share of yanking. I have your claw marks on my back to prove it.”

I blush, hit by memory again. “That’s over now. It’s in the past.”

“So you shouldn’t have a problem with taking this trip with me. As my assistant, nothing more.” Caleb replies smoothly. “Unless you aren’t sure you can resist me?”

I glare. “I can resist you just fine.”

“So prove it.” Caleb taunts. “Come to Italy and keep your hands to yourself. Then, maybe, I’ll believe you don’t still want me. That you aren’t secretly wet right now, pining for my cock,” he adds, looking so damn self-satisfied I can’t help but scowl.

“Fine!” I exclaim, “I’ll come. With you on the trip,” I add quickly, my cheeks flaming. But it’s only then, I realize, this is exactly what he wanted. Caleb’s managed to manipulate me into leaving the country with him—for three whole days of torture, at his side.

“Don’t forget to pack.” Caleb crows, looking more smug than ever. “I’ll send a car for you at noon tomorrow.”

I’ve never given anyone the finger, but I have the urge, now.

Instead, I stomp out to my desk and throw my pad down.

Oh, my God. I’m getting whisked off to Italy with Caleb Sterling.

And a part of me—a shameful, secret part—can’t wait.

Tags: Roxy Sloane Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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