Ruthless (Enemies to Lovers 4) - Page 59

“It’s that restaurant where you can dine nude.”

My eyes widen, and I get up off the bed.

“What do you wear?”

She looks nervous as she whispers, “I get to wear an apron.”

“An apron? Are you serious?”

I can’t believe what I’m hearing.

“It’s only until I can find something else. It’s been hard, Willow.”

“I can talk to my dad. I’m sure he’ll help us out until my business is up and running.” My mind starts to race with ways I can help Evie so she won’t have to work there.

She places her hand gently on my arm, giving me a pleading look.

“It’s only temporary. You’re going to have debt coming out of your ears soon. Focus on getting the business running and then I’ll join you. It’s not as sleazy as it sounds and it pays the bills.”

I don’t want her to feel more uncomfortable than she already is, so I let it go for now.

“I’m going to work my butt off, Evie.”

“Thanks, but I’m just happy that you’re finally here. It makes all the difference to me. I missed having you nearby.”

We hug each other before I let her go so she can get ready.

Chapter 15


“Why didn’t Rhett let me know they were in town?” I huff as I climb up and down the stairs.

“Rhett must love me more,” Miss Sebastian says as she keeps count of my steps. “You’ve got to shake your booty a little faster. I have a lot to do before our guests arrive.”

I’m gasping for air as I look over at where Ryan is busy setting the table. He’s just smiling while he watches us from the corner of his eye.

Miss Sebastian smacks me on the ass. “Stop checking out my husband and move your ass!”

I roll my eyes at her, too out of breath to snap at her. I move faster just so I can get this over with.

“That’s better,” she smiles. “If you keep exercising like this, you’ll be able to bow-chika-wow-wow soon.” She wags her eyebrows for extra effect.

I try to push as hard as I can before I stop and sit down on the top step.

“You’re killing me,” I wheeze as I try to catch my breath.

“Up! You need to cool down first.” She pulls at my arm until I’m back on my feet.

I do the damn exercises and let her take my blood pressure.

“All done.” She scrunches her nose at me. “You need to go bathe again. You’re all sweaty, and even though I love a sweaty chunk of hunk, even I have my limits.”

Instantly a smile spreads across my face. When I pull Miss Sebastian in for a hug, she screeches like a dying cat. She starts swatting me with her notepad she uses to record my blood pressure on.

“You’re going to ruin my blouse!” She swats me upside the head, and I let her go. “Just for that, I’m adding another fifty steps tomorrow. You obviously have some stamina you need to burn off.”

The doorbell rings, which immediately snags her attention. She heads for it like a crazy woman on a mission. Deciding not to test her patience, I go bathe quickly.

Tags: Michelle Heard, Michelle Horst Enemies to Lovers Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025