Ruthless (Enemies to Lovers 4) - Page 60

When I walk into the living room, Rhett says, “I can’t believe you invited me for dinner and I had to bring the food.”

“One of you almost dying from poisoning is more than enough for me,” Miss Sebastian says while rolling her eyes in my direction. “The fact that I’m not cooking for you is a huge compliment. You should thank me for saving your life.”

“Fuck, dude, you’re looking so much better,” he says when his eyes land on me. He gets up and gives me a quick hug.

Mia is right behind him, almost jumping with excitement to get to me. She lets out a little squeal as she grabs me in a hug.

When she pulls back, she says, “Rhett’s right. You’ve picked up so much weight. How do you feel?”

“Much better, thanks,” I say.

Since I got sick, I got much closer to Mia. Actually, I got closer to all my friends. It’s funny how death makes you reevaluate what’s important in life. When I was at my weakest, every one of them helped me get through it. I now understand what Jaxson meant when he said it’s not a bad thing to let people in. My life does feel fuller.

“What’s for dinner?” I ask as I sit down on the couch.

“I brought pizza for us, but I got a chicken salad for you,” Rhett answers. He looks over to where Miss Sebastian is busy putting final touches on the table. “Are you seriously setting the table just for pizza?”

“Now listen here, my delicious chunk of hunk. When we eat in my house, we will eat like royalty. My royal ass likes to dine in style.” Miss Sebastian claps her hands in the air. “Come, come. I’m on a tight schedule. Jaxson and Leigh will be here with dessert in two hours.”

“Oh, they’re coming too?” I ask.

“There will be no work talk at my table, so don’t go getting your boxers in a twist with excitement.”

We all make our way to the table. Miss Sebastian gives Rhett a beer and pours Mia some wine. When she gets to me, she places a bottle of water and salad in front of me.

“Yummy,” I say dryly.

“So let me get this straight,” Rhett says while he loads his plate with pizza. “You invite people over and make them bring food.”

Miss Sebastian raises her eyebrows at him. “Is there a question in there somewhere? I’ve misplaced my crystal ball, so you’re going to have to spell it out.”

Rhett smiles widely. “No question. I’m taking notes. I’m never cooking again. From now on you can all bring your own food.”

There’s a lot of laughter around the table as we eat. When we’re done eating, Miss Sebastian chases us to the living room. She flutters around the table to get everything ready for dessert.

Ryan and Rhett start to talk about football, so I smile at Mia.

“Is there somewhere private we can talk?” she asks me.

“Sure,” I say standing up.

She follows me to the guest room I’m currently staying in. I watch her glance over her shoulder before she reaches into her bag.

“Before I give you this, there’s something you need to know,” she says.

I try to see what it is but it’s still hidden in her bag.

“Okay.” For a moment I’m worried, not sure what Mia wants to give me.

“The man who gave me these is an incredible man. You have some pretty big shoes to fill.”

I frown, not sure where this is going.

Mia’s eyes tear up which has me really worried now.

Her bottom lip trembles as she says, “I read the letter you wrote me. Thank you for explaining why you avoided me. I wasn’t sure, but now that I know for certain that it’s because Summer and I were the same age, I understand.”

I didn’t see that coming. I’ve actually forgotten about the letters. I was such an emotional mess, thinking I was going to die.

Tags: Michelle Heard, Michelle Horst Enemies to Lovers Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025