Alien Ruler Needs a Nanny (Alien Nanny Agency 3) - Page 62

“Well,” she said. “I’m packed up, but not really sure what the protocol is for leaving, and I, um, don’t really have a budget for interplanetary travel.”

“Okay,” Janice said. “Here’s the deal. I can get you a free ride off Ulfgard when your replacement arrives.”

“That’s great,” Yasmine sighed in relief.

“But that won’t be for at least three days,” Janice said.

“What?” Yasmine asked.

“We have a nanny shortage,” Janice said. “You heard all the nannies had a sector lotto pool, right? And they won?”

“I read about that, yes,” Yasmine said. “I didn’t realize they were with your agency.”

“Well, they aren’t anymore,” Yasmine said. “We literally have no one waiting in the wings. And the Ruler of Ulfgard can’t have just anyone. The background checks are intense unless the person happens to have law enforcement or military checks already on file.”

“Like me,” Yasmine realized out loud.

“Like you,” Janice agreed. “So anyway, sit tight. You’ve got three more days there. And I’m going to guess that means three more days on the job unless the leader of the planet wants to take time off to watch his own kids.”

“I hate to do it if he doesn’t want me,” Yasmine said sadly. “But I’d love the extra time with the kids. And if I’m here anyway, and there’s no replacement…”

“Hey, maybe think of it as a quiet trial run,” Janice offered. “Prove you won’t mess up again, and maybe he won’t send you away after all.”

Yasmine thought about his eyes when he told her she disgusted him and sank onto the bed.

“You still with me?” Janice asked.

“I… don’t know if I can make it three days,” Yasmine admitted.

“Take it one day at a time,” Janice advised sympathetically. “I’ll be in touch as soon as I know anything.”

Three more days.

Suddenly, her time stationed in a hostile zone with her military unit didn’t seem quite so terrible.

Tags: Tasha Black Alien Nanny Agency Science Fiction
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025