Alien Ruler Needs a Nanny (Alien Nanny Agency 3) - Page 63


Ba’sh paced the entry hall until he was relatively calm again.

Looking down, he realized he still had Breeta’s headpiece clutched in his hand.

I’m sorry, baby.

He held it gently on both palms, letting himself really look at it.

It felt like just yesterday he had watched her walk to him wearing it, her eyes glittering with happy tears. They had been so young, but her parents were VIPs, so the wedding had been a huge event with dignitaries from planets far and wide.

But as far as Ba’sh was concerned, he only had eyes for Breeta.

Why did you leave us?

While things might have been too busy toward the end of their time together for adventures, they’d had so much fun along the way. He missed having a partner to share the journey.

The gemstones glittered, each one telling a tale of their lives together. He hadn’t been able to bear to look at this thing since her death. Where had Yasmine even found it?

He sighed, thinking about his stupidity.

It was one thing to think about carrying on with the pretty young nanny. It was another to take her into his bed without talking about expectations.

The crazy thing was, he still couldn’t really believe she had done this. His impression was that Yasmine was kind, earnest, and genuinely cared about being a good person.

For the sake of the Rings, she had even come to him last night to resign because she refused to carry a blaster. And he’d read her without his circlet.

But her actions were more important than her words or the fleeting feelings he’d sensed last night.

Maybe he was getting softer as he got older.

Or maybe it had been too long since he’d had the company of a female.

In any case, his judgement had clearly been off, and they would all be paying the price for a long time to live it down.

Sighing, he ran a hand through his hair and realized he’d better go see to Pia. Madge was loyal as hell, but she wasn’t exactly the most comforting company, especially for a four-year-old.

Pia seemed to be very attached to her new nanny already. This wasn’t going to be easy.

He jogged up the stairs and tapped on her door. It swung open, and he found her sitting in her bed, the blanket over her head like a tent.

“Pia,” he said gently. “Are you in here.”

“I’m in my bed,” her little voice replied sadly. “Why does Yasmine have to go away? I like her.”

I guess we’re getting right to the point.

He crawled into bed with her instead of answering. When he tried to join her underneath the blanket, she tugged it away.

“Oh, Pia,” he sighed. “I know you like her.”

“Then why are you sending her away?” the little voice demanded.

“I know it might seem confusing,” he said. “But what she did was very… strange. And it was hurtful to our family. This headpiece belonged to your mother. I don’t even know how she found it. She must have been going through my things.”

There was a thought he hadn’t really stopped to consider. If she’d been snooping, she might be more than a troublesome nanny. She might be a genuine security risk.

But he refused to believe that.

Tags: Tasha Black Alien Nanny Agency Science Fiction
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025