Alien Ruler Needs a Nanny (Alien Nanny Agency 3) - Page 110

“I’m so proud of them,” Yasmine said.

“And those Tai Chi lessons look pretty fun,” Mrs. Slaite said. “Any chance you’d like another student?”

“I would love to have you, Mrs. Slaite,” Yasmine said.

“Call me Madge,” the older woman said with a tiny smile.

Yasmine threw caution to the wind and embraced her.

And to her surprise, Mrs. Slaite - Madge - hugged her back.

“Yasmine,” Ba’sh’s voice echoed down the corridor inside.

“You’d better go to him,” Madge said with an indulgent smile. “I think he has a surprise for you. But if you tell him I said so, I’ll deny it.”

“Good heavens,” Yasmine said. “I don’t need any more surprises.”

“You’ll like this one,” Madge said. “Come on.”

They headed back into the house together.

“There you are,” Ba’sh said with a big smile. “I’m glad you’re both here. There’s something I’d like to show you, Yasmine, it’s in the family room.”

She allowed him to lead her to the family room, where everyone seemed to be waiting.

Jax and his friends were on the floor by the floating coffee table. Pia and Calipha sat beside the mayor on the big sofa.

Thomm and Astyr stood behind it, and Mrs. Slaite went over to join them.

With her experience, Mrs. Slaite should have been the head of Security with an impressive title. But Yasmine understood why she was not, why she would never want such a thing. She gave her new friend a small smile from across the room.

Then Ba’sh cleared his throat and she turned to gaze up into the cerulean blue eyes of the man she loved.

“The first time I proposed to you, I was woefully underprepared,” Ba’sh said, pulling something out of his pocket and sinking to one knee at her feet. “This time I’m ready. Yasmine Hall, will you marry me?”

She gazed down at the tiny, shimmering object in his hand and felt tears prickle her eyes all over again.

“We had this made,” Pia squeaked, darting up to show her. “It’s just for you. That’s Romulon, the big sol.”

She was pointing to the gorgeous round citrine held in a band of titanium.

“Romulon is for Jax,” she said. “Because he’s big, and he’s not afraid to shine.”

“That’s just right,” Yasmine breathed.

“And look, Yasmine,” Pia said, dancing a little in place. “That’s Remon, it’s me.”

Sure enough, a smaller citrine was bevel-set on the inside of the band.

“It’s hiding,” Pia sang.

“Amazing,” Yasmine breathed and hugged the little girl close.

“And the titanium is Dad,” Jax said. “He’s holding us all together.”

“Wrapped around your finger,” Ba’sh put in. “Right where I belong.”

“It’s incredible,” Yasmine murmured as he slipped it on her finger.

Tags: Tasha Black Alien Nanny Agency Science Fiction
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025