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Teaching the Alien

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My head aches as the light streams through my windows. I have a hangover the size of a small planet.

And an alien in my house.

I sit bolt upright in bed. I was dreaming. That’s right. I had a very strange and very real-feeling dream about a hunky seven foot tall purple alien warrior turning up in my bedroom.

I grab my robe from the chair and gingerly make my way down the hall. I need coffee. As I pass the guest room I freeze. A massive body is laying across the bed.

It’s the alien from last night’s dream. The sun streaming through the window illuminates his skin, which is changing before my eyes from a mid-purple hue to a kind of tan with purple accents. As the color fades, the contours of his muscles are even more visible. His hair is black with a purplish sheen and he’s wearing some kind of intricate cargo pants. His bare chest is huge, his stomach firm and I can’t resist walking a little closer to inspect his feet. They’re big, sure, but they look like normal human feet. No horny toenails, thank goodness.

I hold my breath, trying to remember everything we talked about last night. I still have that dreamlike feeling, as if I’m not really awake. The sight of the alien warrior on my Mom’s floral quilt is so out of context.

I’m caught in a rush of emotions. I’m a little scared, because this is so far out of my comfort zone that it’s ridiculous, but I’m more than a little excited too. Why me? The sensible thing to do would be to go downstairs and call someone, but they’d probably think I’m crazy. Is there a hotline for reporting alien interlopers, anyway?

I slowly pad downstairs as my phone beeps in the pocket of my robe. As the coffee machine warms up, I check my messages. The first one is from Taniz.

WTF was in that Triangulum cocktail? I hope your head hurts less than mine. Lidia is already being a pain in the ass. Good luck for the interview! Xx

Oh no. The barista interview. I check my phone. I’ve got about an hour to have a shower, get dressed, try to look presentable and deal with the alien upstairs.

I check the next text.

Maria, you haven’t replied to me. I take it that you are shocked and devastated by what I said. Maybe we should see each other in person. Also, can you make up a bag of things I’ve left at your place? Remember my headphones and new sweatshirt. You can drop them off at the hotel if it’s easier for you. Shane.

I stare at the screen. What. A. Dick.

I’m tempted to find his headphones and snap them in half. I can’t believe he expects me to drop them off. I don’t want to go anywhere near that awful hotel or within a ten mile radius of Lidia.

The stairs creak and I look up.

T’zak bends down to get through the door frame. In the sunny light of my Mom’s kitchen he is magnificent. His skin has taken on the hue of someone with a deep tan and he looks like a god standing in a shard of sunlight. I stare at him, totally unable to speak.

“A good morning to you, Maria.” His voice is deep, his accent unplaceable. Maybe people will think he’s Italian.

“Morning!” I squeak. “Did you sleep well?”

“Yes, thank you. And did you, too, sleep well?” He moves out of the sunlight and walks over to the counter.

“I’m okay. I had too much to drink last night. I got fired from my job and my boyfriend broke up with me so he could go out with my boss.” I might be oversharing but since this guy is only here for three days, it doesn’t really matter.

“Your boyfriend is clearly an idiot.” His gaze is direct.

T’zak’s eyes are an unusual color, but no more than some human eyes. Mine are a pretty weird bright green, while his are a dark greenish-bronze in the daylight, fringed with black lashes. There’s something captivating about them. I need to stop gawping at him.

“Okay, T’zak. I’m drinking coffee. Would you like some?” I point at my cup.

“I would, please.” He nods.

I pour him a cup and hand it to him. He takes a tentative sip and then drains the whole thing.

I smile. “So you like coffee. Have some more while you walk me through what happens with this whole passing as human thing.”

“Walk you? Will you follow me?” His brow furrows.

“No, I mean just tell me what happens.” I take a big sip from my coffee cup.

“There are watchers seeded around this town. They ultimately decide if I pass as human or not. They will put me to death in three days if I do not score highly enough.” His voice is grave.

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