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Teaching the Alien

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“Wait - what? They just kill you right here? That’s brutal.”

“It is the way of my world. It is a difficult thing to do. And it is sad for a family when their offspring does not return. But it is also a huge honor to pass the test.” He lifts the cup to his mouth again, his hand dwarfing it. For a second I think of his hand on my arm last night and how warm his hands were, as if his skin was lit from within.

“And some random in Trentbury has the power of life or death over you? That doesn’t sound fair.”

He looks down. “They are Hedian elders. They have earned the right to pass judgment.”

I swallow. “So there are more aliens in Trentbury? I knew this place was weird.”

He nods. “They will be watching us.”

“Well, I’m not leaving you here at home alone. I have an interview at a coffee shop. You can come and pretend to be a customer. We need to get you dressed first.” I can’t resist looking at his muscled abs again. It’s almost a shame they need to be covered up.

“Yes, human custom. More clothing than I am used to. Shall I wear your robe?” His brow furrows again. It’s cute - if a seven foot alien can be cute.

I laugh. “No. Let me have a look in the cupboard. My Mom used to collect clothing from the neighbors for the church sale. Maybe something will fit you. I’m glad you have your own boots.”

I run upstairs, take a quick shower and get dressed, dragging a comb through my hair. There’s a huge blue shirt in the wardrobe that might fit. I take it downstairs.

T’zak is looking at the posters I made for Calli. I have a pile of spares in case someone takes one down or they get wet.

He holds one up. “This small mammal is lost?”

I nod. “Yes, my cat. Calli. She went missing a week ago. I miss her a lot.” My voice cracks.

“You care deeply for this little beast?” His eyes are kind.

“Yes. She kept me company after my Mom disappeared, so to lose her too is heartbreaking. I went to work one day and my Mom wasn’t there. She hasn’t used any of her bank cards or credit cards, but she took some stuff and her suitcase so she must have been planning it. I thought everything was fine and we were really close…” I trail off, unable to trust myself not to cry.

“I can hear from your voice that you love your mother very much…” His voice is deep.

I nod. “This house doesn’t feel the same without her.”

T’zak reaches for my hand. I stare at him as his huge fingers wrap around mine. The feeling I had last night is stronger. Warmth and electricity shoots up and down my arm, radiating into my entire body. I want to reach up and touch his face, but instead I squeeze his hand and pull mine away.

“Better get going. We can practice human stuff on the walk there. Just follow my lead.”

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