Intimate Union Between Neighbours - Page 18

"Err... no, she's on a business trip."

"Oh OK, sure. And does Sam... I'm not sure how you put this, does she know that you do the washing in her underwear?"

I literally choked in the middle of taking a swig of beer, and tried to disguise it as a coughing fit. Gary simply looked at me calmly, as if he'd asked me what time I liked to have dinner. I grabbed a napkin and wiped beer off my chin and the bottle, trying to figure out what to say.

"Heh, yeah I didn't think so. It's kind of secret stuff, right?". He seemed understanding, and it suddenly occurred to me that maybe what I'd stumbled across was another cross-dresser. It seemed a good idea to draw this out.

"Yes, that's right. You know how it is, right - there's some stuff that you don't exactly want to, you know, advertise. So - well, look, I'm sure she'd be find with it. It's just that...". I trailed off, as an odd look had come over his face.

"Yeah I thought so - you wouldn't want to advertise it to her. Or for anyone else to do t

hat. I mean, just say someone was to mention it to her by accident?". He was staring at me in a pretty frightening way, and I suddenly had a horrible sinking feeling in my stomach. I knew just what was going on here, and I was suddenly terrified. Of course I didn't tell my bloody wife that I liked to walk around our back garden in her panties; she'd walk out in an instant. My life with Sam was a great one, don't get me wrong, but her taste in sex was pretty simple - basic missionary, the odd bit of fooling around, men are men, women are women, and there's only one hole that is appropriate for putting things in. If Gary was here to blackmail me, he'd gone right for the jugular, and I was in a really awkward spot.

"What are you saying, Gary?" I said, trying to sound confident, but already feeling a quaver creeping into my voice.

"Just this," he said, leaning forward, "I looked over the back fence yesterday to say hello, and I saw you bending over next to your washing line with a pair of bright pink panties on. And I'd say that means you're a fag of some kind, and that your wife doesn't know. Now I reckon you'd like to keep that little secret a secret, am I right?"

I stared at him, gripping my beer bottle. I couldn't think of anything to say."

"Am I right?" he repeated.

"Y-yes" I said.

"Good", he said. "So we can probably cut to the chase here a little bit. There are some things that I'm going to get you to do, and you're going to be pretty happy to do them - at least that's what I think. Because if you don't, then I'm going to haVe that conversation with your hot little wife Sam, and I'd say that might be the end of your happy marriage."

I thought about that, and the voice in my head said he was probably right. How on earth had I got myself into this situation? It was a disaster. The whole thing brought on by a stupid decision to put my secret habit on display. Why couldn't I have simply watched some porn and masturbated and then chosen to go outside for the housework. And now I was being blackmailed and threatened by this guy, with nothing I could do about it.

"What do you want?" I said.

He smiled. "Pretty simple - I didn't get much of a look at your underwear when you ran off inside yesterday. So go and put it on. Do you have a whole set of stuff somewhere?"

I nodded reluctantly.

"OK - so I'm going to finish my beer, and you can go and get changed. You've got about 5 minutes."

"Is that, err... that's all, right?" I said.

He ignored me, and after a moment, I went out of the room and down to the bedroom. What an awkward situation. It was hard to read what he was up to - I'd expected a demand for money, or anything, and now he wanted me to cross-dress in front of him? And yet he didn't seem to want it for a sexual purpose; at least not as far as I could tell. What would I know - the last thing I was interested in was another guy's turn-ons. I hoped like hell he didn't want to get into some sort of sex game. I stood there in my bedroom, with all of these thoughts flashing through my head. In the end, I just figured maybe he wanted to embarrass me. Well, what the fuck. I took off my shoes, jeans and t-shirt, and took the pink panties and bra out of their box. I carefully hooked the bra together then wriggled my arms into it, then pulled on the panties. To my embarrassment, my cock had gone rock-hard as usual, and I desperately tried to shove it down between my legs to hide this. The last thing I wanted was for him to think I was turned on by dressing up in front of him.

"That's it?" said Gary from right behind me, making me jump in shock. He'd walked silently into the room while I was dressing.


"I know that's not the whole of it," he said. "I asked if you had a whole set."

"What do you mean?" I said, knowing exactly what he meant.

"John, don't fuck with me, OK. If you're going to lie and muck around, it's very simple. I will tell your wife. So stop thinking I'm an idiot. I'm saying I reckon you've got other clothes in here that you like to dress up in - shoes, stockings, whatever. Put it all on, so you're dressed up like a woman, how you would if I wasn't here. Do you get that?"

"Yes," I started to say, then to my shock he slapped me violently across the cheek, making me stumble. My hand flew to my face and tears sprung up.

"What the hell?!" I squeaked.

"Do you get that?" he said again calmly. "Because I'm not a guy you want to fuck around. So get on with it, or you'll really get what's coming."

I was terrified by now. This tall, strong man was standing over me, while I cowered in front of him wearing a pink bra and panties, and I could see there was a genuine threat of v******e in his eyes. I had no choice at all. I quickly went to the cupboard and picked out the rest of my set of clothes - a garter belt and thigh-high stockings, and a pair of high heels, all carefully hidden underneath other things, until now. I nervously put it all on, while Gary stood with arms folded, watching.

"That's... that's it", I said. I was mortified to see that my hard-on hadn't gone away, and while I'd been dressing, it had worked its way out again, bulging lewdly out the front of my panties.

Tags: Edward Adams Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025