Intimate Union Between Neighbours - Page 19

"That's better," he said. "Now come over to my place."

"What?!" I said.

"Come on over. I don't care how you get there, but I'll see you in five. OK?"

I took it that the "OK" was rhetorical. I simply nodded, and with that, he walked out.

- 3 -

After a little bit of thinking, I pulled some clothes over the top of my lingerie, put the high heels in a bag, and then walked around to Gary's house and rang the doorbell.

He opened the door. "Come on in," he said casually, as if nothing had happened. "And get that stuff off. Go in the main room."

I went into his living room, and took off my pants and sweatshirt again. I put the high heels back on, and stood there. I could see myself in a mirror, and felt an awful combination of being completely terrified at the situation, and rather turned on to be dressed up in a slutty set of women's underwear, with my ass jutting out, and another man about to walk in and look at me. I pressed one hand down on my groin, trying to calm down my raging hard-on again.

Gary came in, and stood there looking at me. To my distress, he was holding a camera now. "I'm going to get you to do some modelling, and I reckon you can figure out the right moves," he said. "Just basically look like a slut, and I'll do the pictures."

"I don't want that," I said, and then cowered when he took a threatening step towards me. I could see what might happen.

"OK, sorry, sorry," I said. "I'll do what you say."

I shut my eyes and tried to imagine he wasn't there. First, I spread my legs apart - wider than they needed to be, with the added lift of the heels making me feel stretched and open. Then I cupped both hands to my "tits", lifting the bra cups up as if lifting my breasts for display. Then I started to move around, stretching and turning, presenting my ass, pouting my mouth, and so on. Gary quietly took photos, and I knew that my life as I knew it was coming to an end here in this stranger's front room.

After a few minutes he had me stop, and then came what I'd really been dreading.

"Go down the corridoor," he said, "and go into the bedroom."

My eyes probably bulged, and I felt that I couldn't breathe. But I found myself tottering towards that room, in a complete daze. Gary followed me, and shut the door behind us.

"I liked your posing," he said. "You looked like...". There was a pause, as he kicked off both his shoes and bent down to take off his socks. "Like... I guess like a bitch," he went on. "Do you feel like a bitch?"

I stared at him, watching him pull off the shirt he was wearing. Underneath, he was muscular and had a thick hatch of chest hair. His stomach was flat, and I couldn't stop looking as his hands went to his belt buckle.

"Do you feel like a bitch, John?" he said.

It was as if I was floating above the scene, all of a sudden. I tried to swallow, my mouth extremely dry. I stared at his muscular torso, and at his hands as they began to unbuckle his belt.

"Yes Gary," I croaked. "I uh.. I feel like a fucking bitch. Are you getting your cock


My head throbbed with rushing blood as I mouthed this shocking invitation, and even as I spoke, I had sunk down on my knees. My cock was raging against my panties. John undid his belt and jeans, and took out his penis. It was shockingly large and vulgar, and I fixated on it, noting in extreme detail the way it thrust out, slightly upwards, circumcised, with his hairy balls tucked tightly underneath. On the tip of it, a bead of liquid had formed. I stared at the liquid - his cum - another man's cum, and I knew that I wanted to lick it up.

"You are a bitch, John," he said. And I'm going to fuck your face with this cock. Now, come here, and suck it into your mouth - and don't even think about stopping until you've finished drinking me, do you understand?"

I shuffled forwards on my knees. I wanted to take his cock into my mouth, and be dominated and used by him. I had no idea what it meant for my previously sane, happy life, but I really just didn't feel like I cared. Gary stepped out of his jeans, leaving him standing there, naked, hands on hips, and waiting for me to service him. I reached up with my right hand, and wrapped it around the base of his cock. It was shockingly hot, and I could feel it gently throb in response. My other hand crept round behind him, and grasped one cheek of his ass. His ass felt hard in my hand, strong, and manly. I pulled his groin forward and into my wide open mouth.

The hot cock slipped into my mouth, filling it completely. It took a few moments to even work out how to go about things, and I felt Gary grip my hair with one hand to control my movements as well. I let my tongue lick at the underside of his penis, while trying to keep my mouth wet enough to make it slide on his shaft. He stepped forward and bent his knees, his other hand joining the first. Now I felt completely subdjudated, as he started to slowly hump his cock in and out of my mouth, with soft grunting noises. And as I sucked, he talked to me as well.

"I'm looking down at you here, John," he said quietly, "and I'm seeing you acting like a whore for me. You're dressed up in your pink panties, and I'm looking down at your ass. I think when we're done here, I might need to see your ass a bit more, don't you think, John?"

"Mmmm hmmm," I said, stifled by the penis which was slowly working in and out of my mouth. I tried not to gag. I felt wetness in my panties, as my cock leaked pre-cum."

"And when you show me your ass, John, what do you think I'll be doing, do you think?"

I pulled back my head and looked up at him, meeting his gaze. Spittle ran from his cock head to my lips. "Will you be touching this cock?" I said, trying to sound as sexy as I could. I ran my tongue over my lips.

"Yeah I'll be touching it," he said, pulling my head back onto his cock again. He started to thrust harder into my mouth, making my eyes water as I choked on it, and he kept talking in time with each thrust.

Tags: Edward Adams Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025