Owned by the Club - Page 16

“Well now you’re going to have to get used to it.” They were never going to let her go. He saw the pleasure in his friends’ eyes, and they’d talked often. Rosie was the woman meant for them.


The men wouldn’t let her drive back, so Gavin was driving her back toward her shop.

Rosie didn’t have any panties on either. The men had ruined them.

She glanced over at the man who was sitting beside her. He’d not said a word, and she didn’t have a clue what he was thinking. Four men had been touching her body, bringing her to orgasm while he watched.

“You don’t have to worry.”

“I can’t stop worrying.”

He took hold of her hand and pressed a kiss to her knuckles. “Why don’t you tell me why you’re worried? You have nothing to be upset or afraid of.”

“I was just naked in front of five men.” She pulled her hand away from his and moaned. “God, I’m a whore. I’m sleeping with men for money.”

Gavin growled and swerved the car, parking it up against the side of the road.

She frowned looking around them. “Why have you stopped?”

“It’s simple. You’re not a whore.”

“You’ve paid off my loan.”

“We did that before you even fucking agreed. We’re not going to force you to fuck us, Rosie. This is about us sharing, and finding a possible future together.”

“Possible future?”

“Yeah, the six of us. One big happy family.” He cupped her face, and before she knew what was happening, his lips were smashed against hers. The hand on her cheek moved behind her head, keeping her captive with his touch. Gavin slid his tongue across her bottom lip, and she gasped, opening up to him. He took full advantage, plunging inside, and she tasted him. It was her first real kiss, and it was like the past few kisses she’d gotten were nothing in comparison.

He bit her bottom lip, sucking on it as he released her. “What are you feeling?”

“I don’t want you to stop.”

“Are you attracted to all five of us?”

She bit the same lip he had seconds before, not wanting to answer. “It’s wrong.”

“Why is it wrong?”

“Hello, five men. Slut!”

He tilted her head back with his thumbs underneath her chin. “You’ve got that wrong. You’ll only ever know the five of us. We don’t share.”

Again, she was confused. “Five of you? Isn’t that sharing?”

“Not in the right way. We’ll be the only five you ever fucking touch, and you better get used to it. We don’t share with anyone else.” He groaned, kissing her one final time. “I’ve got to get you safely to your shop. I don’t want to cause too much damage.”

Her heart was pounding. “You want this?”

“Yes, I want this.”


“Why not? You’re a sexy woman, and I’ve been wanting you for fucking years, babe. I’ve stood back, watched and waited, wanting you but knowing the truth that I could never have you.”

“Why couldn’t you have me?”

Tags: Sam Crescent Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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