Baby for the Bosshole - Page 134

“You didn’t want to talk about it because it’s…embarrassing.”

“…embarrassing,” he says in unison with me.

Sympathy wells up. “I’m so sorry.”

“Yeah, me too. I should’ve said something, but it was just easier not to. It’s a habit—I’m not used to talking about Dad with anybody, especially given his celebrity status.” He smiles a little. “And because I don’t want people feeling sorry for me or saying something flippant like ‘At least your dad paid child support.’”

Ugh. People can be so judgmental about others, and they rarely know all the facts.

“I was hurt when you decided to take the job with Marion because I don’t like him, and I thought you knew that. But then I realized that maybe I haven’t done enough to show you I’m not like my dad—that I’m the kind of person you can depend on, a man who will never break your heart or make you cry.”

There’s such sincerity in his beautiful eyes. Hot, sweet emotion spills from my heart and spreads throughout my body until I’m dizzy with joy.

“You got under my skin the moment you walked into my office for your interview. You’re smart. You’re beautiful. The more I get to know you, the more I love you.”

My eyes start to heat and prickle.

“So I have a question to ask you—just you. It isn’t about the baby or the responsibility I feel for it.” He drops to one knee, pulls out a box from his pocket and opens the lid. A gorgeous princess-cut diamond sparkles against navy velvet. “Will you marry me, Amy Sand?”

Tears blur my vision, and my fingers seem to move up of their own accord to cover my lips. “Yes,” I whisper. “And I love you too, Emmett.”

He gifts me with the most brilliant smile I’ve ever seen and places the ring on my finger. It fits perfectly. I put a hand over my racing heart, but there’s no way to contain the sweet swelling of love I feel for this man.

“When did you buy this?” I ask.

“I just picked it up today. They had to adjust the band.”

“How did you know my ring size?”

“I’ve been watching you closely for almost two years, Amy.” He winks playfully. “I know a lot about you.”

I laugh, look down at the ring and shake my head. “This is perfect.”

“Thank you for being brave enough to make the first move.” He kisses my forehead, then my cheeks and my mouth. “By the way, can I ask why you’re in that trench coat?”

“Oh?” I look down. “It’s, ah, something Sasha suggested when I was trying to figure out how to make my case.”

He cocks an eyebrow. “Go on…”

“She said I should wear nothing but a trench coat with some sexy lingerie underneath, but I told her it wasn’t going to work. I mean, it didn’t work when Brenda tried.”

“I don’t want to belabor the obvious, but Brenda isn’t you.” A wicked gleam lights his eyes. “We can’t have your effort go to waste.”

“Oh, we can’t…?”

“Nope. I want to see for myself just how good Sasha’s suggestion is.”

“Do you now?” I stand up, my eyes on his. Then, with a slow smile, I open the coat, projecting all the queen-of-the-world attitude I can muster.

Emmett’s lips part, his eyes blazing. “Hot damn. Sasha’s getting a fat bonus.”

I laugh in triumph, but the sound is almost immediately muffled as he claims my mouth.

Chapter Fifty-Three


I roll over, burying my face in the pillows. It’s getting bright in the room, but I’m still tired and sleepy. Besides, Emmett’s placing lots of light kisses over my neck and shoulders and arms. Why should I give that up?

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024