Baby for the Bosshole - Page 135

I hear a phone vibrating.

“Is that mine?” I ask in a small voice.

“Nope. Mine.”

“You need to go in.” It’s practically preordained, but I wish he didn’t have to go to work.

There’s a pause while he taps his phone. “I scheduled a meeting, but they can handle it themselves.”

I lift my head off the pillows and look at him with bleary eyes. “Who are you and what have you done with my former boss?”

He grins. “My name is Emmett Lasker, and I’ve decided to spend the morning in bed with my super-sexy fiancée. Nice to meet you.”

I flush at the possessive way he says my fiancée. “Well, if you insist. But I do feel just the tiniest bit guilty. I don’t remember you missing work ever.”

“First time for everything.”

True. And why not? It feels wickedly decadent to be lazy on a Saturday morning. He places a small kiss on the corner of my mouth, then another one on my ear. I start to smile. I shift around for a deeper kiss, but then my stomach growls so thunderously that I can feel the sound vibrating all the way to my head.

Emmett laughs. “Wow.”

I put a hand over my belly, my face flushing. “That was…loud.”

“Yeah, it was. Did you eat anything yesterday?”

“Uh… The last meal I had was…lunch? I was too nervous for dinner.”

“Okay, can’t have that. You’re eating for one and a half, after all.”

“A half?”

“The baby. It’s like poppy seed right now. Maybe a little bigger. But it can’t be bigger than a gummy bear.”

I laugh at how serious he seems. We get out of bed. I borrow one of Emmett’s dress shirts, since I can’t exactly run around in a trench coat and lingerie. He gives me a long look, digging his teeth lightly into his lower lip.

“That’s hot as hell.”

“What? This?” I look down at the starched shirt.

“Uh-huh. Something about a woman in her man’s shirt…”

I give him a saucy grin. “You got that right.”

As we walk down the stairs together, he says, “We should start thinking about the wedding. I want us to have a tasteful and awesome ceremony.”

“Let’s make it small, and preferably sometime very soon,” I say.

“We can do it within two months.”

“That fast?” Even Peggy I-Need-an-Appointment-to-See-My-Hubby spent a year on her rather simple ceremony. And she had the help of two wedding planners.

“Money can speed a lot of things up. And we can use our garden as the venue.” He gestures at the windows overlooking the meticulous yard.

I love the way he says our garden. Just that one word makes me feel like we’re really going to be together.

He adds, “It’ll look gorgeous with the right flowers.”

“That sounds perfect,” I say with a smile. “As long as it’s not a Vegas Elvis ceremony, I’m all for it.”

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024