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An Unlikely Bride (Lucas & Ava)

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Goddamn it. I feel Ava and her parents’ gazes boring into me. Ryder swears under his breath. I grab Blake before he stumbles and embarrasses himself further.

“What the hell’s going on?” I hiss under my breath.

“Had some problems. So what?” It comes out “sho wha’”.

I grit my teeth. “Come on. Let’s get you cleaned up before dinner.”

“Jus’ came by to wish erryone a happy Thanksgiving…”

This is worrying. Blake is generally detached and unemotional. I can’t imagine what could’ve made him show up in this condition at Thanksgiving, especially knowing people outside the family are present.

I drag him upstairs to one of the guest bedrooms. Ryder’s place has plenty—all large, opulently appointed and stocked with everything anyone could want. Hopefully the one I picked hasn’t been used for orgies. With Ryder, you never know.

I lay Blake down on the bed. He resists, but not very well, and I take a vicious pleasure in pulling the clothes off him and shoving him between the sheets. “Sleep it off. Jesus, I hope you didn’t drive here.”

“Course not. I Lyfted. Coss a lot of money. You know those lazy assholes don’ wanna work today? ’S only Thursday.”

“Uh-huh. Thanksgiving Thursday.” I’m surprised he was able to find someone at all.

“The world would be better…if we were ’maphrodites.”

“What? Hermaphrodites?”

“Yeah. That. Wouldn’ need women.”

“I…guess that’s true.”

“They’re vile. Pretty…feel nice…but vile. Impossible. Evil. Untrih…untruh…untrus’worthy. Always lying. Commission, omission… All the fuckin’ mind games. But you know what’s wors’?”

I wait a beat, wondering, What’s brought this on? Blake has never lost his head over a woman.

“Can’ live without ’em.” Blake shakes his head sorrowfully. “Jus’ can’.”

“What the hell did you snort?”

“Nothin’. I’m perfelly fine.”

I lay a hand on his shoulder. “Okay. Why don’t you have a nap before dinner?” And before you do something to embarrass yourself further. “Remember, we have a lot of female guests, so they probably don’t want to hear how you feel about women right now.”

Blake groans, throwing a forearm over his forehead. “Did I say that in fron’ of them?”

“No, thanks to my heroically quick action. Now stay put. I’ll have the housekeeper bring you some aspirin and water and you can get some sleep.”

He doesn’t respond as I leave. I need to have a conversation with Ava’s foster parents. She probably told them about Blake, and I don’t want them to think he’s going to cause problems for us.

Damn it. He was supposed to show up, be his usual cool, urbane self, charm Darcy and Ray and put their minds at ease that he wouldn’t be an asshole to Ava ever again. But no. He had to ruin it.

Now all I can hope—rather fervently—is that Faye doesn’t show. Because her popping up now? That would ruin everything for sure, and I can’t think of a good excuse to explain her presence.

When I reach the living room, Paige is announcing that the dinner’s ready, and my ex is nowhere to be seen. The tension in my shoulders eases as Ava puts an arm around my waist. I hug her back, relishing our closeness.

“Is he okay?” she whispers as we move to the formal dining room.

“He’s fine. Just…drunk for some reason. Sorry about that.”

“It’s okay. Does he do this a lot?”

“No. A business deal probably went bad or something.” I wince inwardly. Lame.

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