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An Unlikely Bride (Lucas & Ava)

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The long table has been set up with a perfectly roasted turkey and honey-glazed ham. All the usual fixings are laid out—mashed potatoes, salad, buttered corn and peas, and moist stuffing, gravy and cranberry sauce. There’s a card for every seat, and I end up with Ava to my left and her family, including Mia, taking the chairs to my right. Elliot, Belle and Nonny are at one end of the table, and Ryder, Paige and her family occupy the other, with Elizabeth immediately across from me. A lone chair stays empty since Blake is in no condition to join us. I want to confirm if Ryder was able to get Faye not to show, but I can’t talk about it in front of Ava and her parents.

“We’re going to have candied yam and pie later,” Paige announces.

“I generally like the yam with my food,” Elliot says.

“No can do,” Ryder says. “Gotta eat ’em in the kitchen afterward.”


“Hey, I only had them made because you like them so much. Candied yam makes Paige nauseated.”

“Seriously?” Elliot stares at her.

“Told you. Men know nothing about pregnancy,” Elizabeth says.

“Yeah?” Elliot says. “Well, I’ll put money that Belle’s going to eat everything.”

“Keep on saying that. She’s going to tolerate everything except the food you love, dude,” Ryder says.

Elliot makes a face, then winks at his wife.

The food is served, Ryder carving the turkey and ham with surprising expertise. If I didn’t know better, I’d think he did it all the time.

Ava leans closer. “Did he cook all this?”

“I hope not. None of us want to die.” She gives my arm a light slap even as she laughs. “If there’s anything you don’t like, you don’t have to eat it. Ryder and Paige won’t mind.”


The dinner is surprisingly low-key, all things considered. I can’t remember the last time we all got together just to eat and relax, and I realize with a bit of guilt that it’s my fault—after the accident, I cut myself from my siblings’ lives out of some misplaced sense of loss and pride.

And at the same time, the family never had holiday dinners together like this. This whole event is most likely Paige’s idea because Ryder certainly wouldn’t bother to host one. Here at the table he makes sure she’s comfortable, handing her whatever strikes her fancy. He’s totally smitten, but happily so. And the same can be said for Elliot…which is kind of surreal. I was certain he’d never fall for anyone.

Elizabeth is serene as usual, chatting with everyone. The smile never leaves her face, and she directs the various conversations with courtesy and grace. People have said she has to be faking it—supposedly no one can be that sweet all the time—but as her brother, I know she’s the genuine article.

Suddenly there’s a small commotion at the door, and a familiar voice drifts into the dining room. “Terribly sorry I’m late. I took a wrong turn off Rodeo Drive.”

Ava freezes, and I stiffen. Shit. Faye.

Ryder’s gaze darts toward me, then to Faye, and even Elizabeth’s smile falters for a fraction of a second. Faye is dolled up in a designer red dress with a short hem that fits perfectly. Diamonds sparkle on her ears and throat, and I immediately wish I hadn’t eaten anything because the turkey’s suddenly threatening to come back up.

It’s Paige who finally says, “Hello, Faye.”

My sister recovers as well. “We thought you weren’t going to be able to make it after all. Sorry we started without you.” She gets up and gives Faye a light hug and an air kiss. “Why don’t you take that seat?” She gestures at the empty chair, removing the card set in front of the empty plates.

“What about Blake?”

“Probably won’t be joining us,” Elliot says.

“Well, then.” She takes the seat directly across from Ava.

I feel the weight of Darcy and Ray’s gazes like a mountain on my shoulder. Now I wish I’d declined the invitation like I normally do.

“You look very nice, Ava,” Faye purrs.

“Thank you.” Ava gives a brittle smile. “So do you. Beautiful dress.”

“Well, you know…red’s always been my color.”

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