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Redemption: AmBw Romantic Suspense

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Minutes later, Ebony’s shower was off, and no sound came from her side. A small part of me hoped she would knock on my door. Perhaps, she hadn’t satisfied herself enough and needed some help. I was definitely willing to give her any assistance.

Just go to sleep. The party is over.

Twenty minutes went by. With a hard cock, I tossed and turned in bed. A few times, I rubbed that length against the mattress.

An hour later, I finally fell asleep and dreamed about fucking her. When I woke, cum smeared my boxer briefs.

What are you thirteen?

It put me in a grumpy mood. Coffee or more sleep wouldn’t satisfy me. The only thing that would solve the situation was Ebony, but unfortunately she would need time.

At least she’s touching herself and whispering my name. That has to count for something.

It sure kept me hard the whole morning. I didn’t go downstairs. I lay in bed, thinking of how I would kill the one who’d created the problem—Wyatt.

I dialed Kevin.

Kevin yawned. “Hey, why are you calling me from upstairs?”

“Any more hits on Wyatt’s credit card?”

“He bought something at the McDonald’s close to Hotel Paradise.”

“That’s it.”

“So far. What I don’t get is. . .if he’s running from that Civilian Agency then why use his credit card?”

“Then, he’s not running, but something is up.”

“What do you think?”

“I don’t give a fuck. I just want him dead.” I ran my fingers through my hair. “Do me two more favors.”


“Go to work this evening. I’ll be in the parking lot.”

Kevin groaned. “Fuck. I’m the bait?”

“You are. He’ll see you arrive and enter the club to talk to you. I’ll be right there.”

“I hate being the bait.”

“But when you’re the bait, it always works out.”

“Whatever. I’m ready to end this. Your couch wasn’t that comfortable last night.”

“See. This helps us all.”

“Don’t let me get killed, Yo-yo.”

“I won’t, especially if you stop saying that damn name.”

“What’s the second favor?” Kevin laughed.

“Call your buddy Donald to fix Ebony’s SUV. Tell him I’ll pay him.”


“Have Donald tow the car in the back of the house and talk to her about it.”


“I’m sneaking out.”

“Of your own house?”

“Just do it, please.” I ended the phone call.

My cock still hadn’t gone down. If I saw Ebony, it wouldn’t relax. She would just get me more excited. Even worst, I would stay in the house and not go after Wyatt. I needed the kids and her to be distracted so I could get out and finish this. With Wyatt gone, we could finally get things moving. Fixing the back house had been ignored due to Wyatt’s movements.

And Ebony wouldn’t be truly relaxed until the maniac was gone.

This shit ends today.

I went to shower and dress, not even jacking off. No longer would I use my hand, when Ebony’s pussy was so close. It wouldn’t be enough.

An hour later, I heard a large truck rumbling into my yard. I checked the window. Ebony and Kevin headed out to meet Donald. The fat man climbed out of his truck, went to her SUV, walked around it, said something to her, tied the SUV to his truck, and then he drove it to the back of the house.

My phone buzzed.

I checked the text.

Kevin: All clear.

Me: Thanks

Kevin: Just be careful

I checked my watch.

It was close to the evening. I’d camped out in my room like a psycho most of the day. Dressed in all black, I rushed down the stairs with my bag of tools in my hand. Nervous about bumping into Ebony or the kids, I hurried to my truck, shoved my guns and bag in, and sped away.

They’ll understand later.

The club would open soon.

If Wyatt didn’t head there, then I would come to him. Hotel Paradise would discover another body in their room tomorrow morning.

I headed to the hardware store first and bought up as many supplies as I could—rope, new knives, duct tape, chains, plastic, etc. I had no idea what would happen tonight, but I wanted to be prepared for everything.

In the back of an abandoned strip mall, I lined the back of my truck in plastic just in case I needed to get rid of Wyatt’s body. I’d read one day that success was when opportunity met preparation. This evening, I would do all to make sure all goals were met.

You die tonight, Wyatt.

I got to Titty Palace by the time the sun lowered, and the moon began to rise.

Every few minutes, I checked the hotel across the street. Only one light was on in a room right at the corner. It would have a perfect view to the Titty Palace’s front door.

That has to be Wyatt’s room.

Strawberry had already arrived. I called her on the phone as she went inside and let her know my plan. Minutes later, another bartender and several girls arrived.

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