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Redemption: AmBw Romantic Suspense

Page 79

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My phone rang.

I answered, “Hello?”

Ebony’s sweet voice came on the line. “Are you okay?”

My cock woke up. I gritted my teeth. “I’m fine.”

I knew she wanted to know where I was at and I wouldn’t give her any extra information unless she asked.

As if she heard my thoughts, she said, “I don’t have the right to ask you where you are, but I’m hoping it has nothing to do with Wyatt.”

I rubbed my face and watched other cars parking in the lot. Many of the regulars I recognized as they jumped out of the car and headed to the club like feens.


“You can ask what you want, Ebony? I just don’t want to lie to you.”

“So this does deal with Wyatt?”

“It does.”

She let out a long breath over the phone.

I spotted Kevin show up in an uber. He jumped out and headed to the club without glancing my truck’s way. I checked Wyatt’s hotel room across the street. The light had been on, now it was off.

I returned my attention to the phone. “How’s the SUV?”

“Donald is fixing it right now.”

I checked my watch. “He’s been on it for hours.”

“Donald has, and I’m not letting you pay. I told him to bill me—”

“He won’t take it.”

“Why not?”

I grinned. “Because Donald knows me, and he doesn’t want to make me unhappy. He’ll take my credit card, before he opens his hand to grab any of your cash.”

She sighed again. “Thank you, Yoshiro, but—”

“Last night—”

“Wait. What about last night?”

“Were you moaning my name in your bedroom?”

Silence hit the line.

I curved my lips into a smile. “I’m going to take that as a yes.”

“Fine. Yes, Yoshiro. I was. . .” She lowered her voice. “I was moaning your name.”

“Did you enjoy yourself?”


“What did you think about?”

“Your. . .”


“Yes,” she whispered.

“Let me know, when you want it right in front of you. I’m available 24/7 and at your beck and call.”

“Oh really?”


“Then, I want to see it right now.”

The smile left my face. “That’s not playing fair, Ebony.”

“Why not?”

“Because you’re just trying to get me off my mission.”

“Perhaps, I want to be your mission this evening.”

I rubbed my face as my cock went stiff as a rock in my pants. “You’re being evil.”

“You’re being reckless.”

“Reckless for you. I think the kids and you are worth a few scratches and bullet holes this evening.”

The line went quiet again.

“Ebony?” I licked my lips. “Don’t be mad. Tell me you understand. Tell me you get the type of man I am.”

She cleared her throat. “I do.”

“Then, when it’s over, I’ll be home.”

“I’m scared, Yoshiro.”

“I know. How can I help. . .besides coming home right now?”

She blew out another long breath. “Call me. Keep me up to date. No matter what happens, and especially if you need me. Kevin left. Is he going to be with you?”


Although he won’t be much help, but anything to ease your mind.

“Kevin is already at the club. I’m parked outside.” I checked the hotel room again.

Wyatt had already left it and was currently crossing the street. I squinted my eyes. He wore a jacket with a slight bulge on the right and left.

He’s packing for sure.

“I have to go, Ebony. I’ll let you—”

“Do you see Wyatt?”

“I do. He’s crossing the street and going to the Titty Palace.”

“W-what are you going to do?”

“Follow him inside the club and see what he does. Wyatt knows what Kevin looks like at this point. If they found his place, then they looked up his driver’s license. I’m sure Wyatt thinks the kids and you are with him. He’ll be coming tonight to ask Kevin.”

“And it won’t be nice, when he asks.”

“It won’t.”

Wyatt walked through the parking lot, passed my truck, and headed into Titty Palace.

“He’s inside, Ebony. I’m going.”

“Fuck. Yoshiro. Please be careful.”

“I promise.” I ended it, before she had me feeling more guilty. My heart warmed from her worry. My head went a little dizzy from the emotion in her voice. I had to push it away.

Long ago, my wife knew what I did. She’d been involved in the game, managing a drug house in a rough part of Chicago. Never did she make a big fuss when I left the house on a job.

Get off Olivia and focus on tonight.

Chapter 23



I left the truck and put on the trench. Thoughts of old times shifted back to rage against Wyatt. Keeping my leather gloves on, I grabbed my Glock, tucked it in my waist, and headed to Titty Palace. I wore a little .380 on my ankle. I usually didn’t, due to making my movements awkward, but tonight required a lot. I had knives in small holsters on my side. Duct tape sat in the trench’s left pocket. A small loom of rope sat in the other.

Kevin stepped outside the club, pulled out a cigarette, and lit it. “Hello, sir. Should I be checking you for weapons?”

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