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Surrendering Series Box Set

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I leaned over and gave her a hug. “You’re meant to be, Ror. I know that.”

She gave me a smile, knowing there were plenty of chances that she and Lucah wouldn’t work out, and there was nothing anyone could say to change that. They would either sink or swim, and sometimes outside forces ended a relationship. Sometimes before it even begun.

“He’s having a rough time at work,” she whispered. “He’s been crazy stressed with developing all these new programs. Our stock has dropped, so there’s this enormous pressure to come out with something new. He has a whole team that’s working on it, but he takes on so much. Since he’s not doing the whole corporate espionage thing anymore, he wants to make this work.” I didn’t have any advice to offer there either, but I listened as she told me how she was stressed because he was stressed, and how they were both stressing each other out.

“It’s like a vicious cycle. I keep waiting for one of us to fly off the handle.” She did seem tightly wound lately. More so than usual, and that was saying a lot.

“Maybe you should take up yoga or something. I know Chloe could get you into a class at the spa.” Plus, she got us in for free.

“Yeah, that’s an idea. But I’m not sure I’m feeling very zen or bendy right now,” she said, making a face. “But I have to admit, I definitely want to see Lucah doing some of those poses. Mmmm . . .” She looked over at the partially open door where Lucah was singing “I Touch Myself.” We both started laughing.

“I think he’s trying to tell you something,” I said, and she rolled her eyes.

“Hey, I leave him plenty satisfied.” I knew she did. One of the reasons they were such a good match was that their libidos were so in sync. Such an important part of a relationship.

“That’s my girl,” I said, tickling the bottom of her foot until she squealed.

“Everything okay out here?” Lucah called.

“Yup. All good,” I said.

“Just keep singing, LJ,” she said. “We’ll pay you in cookies.” He stuck his head out and she held up the plate of cookies.

“I really wish Ryder wouldn’t have told you about that nickname,” he said, shaking his head.

“Aw, you love it,” Rory said. He got up, set his guitar down and came to give her a kiss before going back to playing, but this time, he left the door open and started playing “Boom Clap” so we could dance. Which we did.

“We’re so mature,” she said as we danced in front of the door and Lucah laughed at us.

“If by mature you mean awesome, then yes, we are,” I said, taking her arm and spinning her around. We even did a lift that made Lucah look up.

“Next time we go to the lake, we should totally try the Dirty Dancing lift,” I said.

“Only this time you hopefully won’t throw your back out,” she said. I winced at the memory. That had happened last summer at her parents’ cabin in Maine. We’d tried to get all our friends to go up this summer, but it hadn’t happened and now it was way too cold to swim.

“Yeah, I’d like to avoid the emergency chiropractic care,” I said. We both burst out laughing as we remembered what an adventure that had been.

“Is this one of those stories you’re going to share?” Lucah asked, playing softer.

“Oh my God, I don’t know if I want you to know that story. It might be one of those things I don’t want my boyfriend to know,” Rory said, but then shook her head.

“I mean, pre-fiancé. That’s what we’ve decided to call it,” she said to me.

“Makes sense. But why don’t you just . . . get engaged and get it over with?” I asked.

Rory and Lucah shared a look. “We’re just waiting until things are . . . more stable with work and everything. Because the minute we share that we’re engaged, it’s all over. My mom will start planning shit, and we’ll get all these questions. I just don’t know if I’m ready for all that,” she said. I could definitely understand where she was coming from. I didn’t blame her one bit.

“And I'm just thrilled she wants to be with me at all,” Lucah said.

“Aw, of course I want to be with you. Who wouldn’t want to be with you?” Rory said. They were getting a coupley again and it made me feel like a third wheel.

“Yes, but I don’t want anyone but you, Miss Clarke,” Lucah said, sticking his tongue out at her. He had the metal barbell in today. Usually he wore a clear one that wouldn’t show when he was at work.

“Don’t do that to me. That’s not fair,” she said, staring at his tongue as he slipped it back into his mouth and gave her a wink. I sensed that it might be time for me to head back to my own apartment.

“Well, I think I’m going to go get started on your dress,” I lied. I didn’t have any of the materials at home with me, but Rory and Lucah didn’t need to know that. I was always working on something. Lately, I’d been thinking of making some things for Ryder. His jeans were always torn, and not on purpose. I had his measurements, and I’d already made him a suit. Might as well complete the wardrobe. And I figured he couldn’t refuse them, since I’d made them specifically for him.

“Okay,” Rory said as she drew closer to Lucah. Yup, definitely time for me to go.

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