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Surrendering Series Box Set

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“See you later,” I called as I shut the door, but neither of them was paying attention to me. I headed back down the hall shaking my head at them. No way those two were breaking up. Some people were just meant to be.


I went a little overboard on Ryder’s clothes. But to be fair, I hadn’t been sleeping much, so I had extra hours in my day. I also had a lot on my mind, so I needed something easy to think about. I hadn’t really talked to him since the night we’d gone out. Things had been somewhat awkward during dinners. He wasn’t ignoring me, but he continued to treat me like I was someone he wasn’t sexually attracted to. So I called him the next Saturday.

“I have something for you.”

“Oh, really?” he said, clearly interested.

“Yup. Want to come over and see?” I knew what he would assume the surprise was, and I kind of wanted to lead him along for a little bit.

“Is that really wise?”

Of course he thought it was about sex, or something sex-related.

“It has nothing to do with me, or me getting naked,” I said.

“You didn’t answer my question,” he said. I was enjoying this a little too much.

“Only because it’s not what you think it is. Just come over and see. I swear, it’s nothing sexual. I just . . . I made something for you.” A lot of somethings, including jeans, slacks, shirts, and a jacket. But it was fun to experiment with menswear. I didn’t usually get to try that, so it was interesting working with different proportions and cuts.

“You made me something?” he asked.

“Yeah. Come on, you know you’re curious.”

“It’s not a sexy little lace number is it? Because I don’t think lace really works for me,” he said, and I laughed.

“Nope, no lace involved. But you’ll have to come and see to make absolutely sure. I’m not giving you any details.”

He sighed. “How about we meet at your studio?”

I tried not to feel disappointed but failed.

“Yeah, we could do that.” I’d have to take a cab there to carry everything, but I couldn’t blame him for wanting to meet on somewhat neutral territory.

“Great, see you in like an hour?”

“Fucking fantastic,” I said, and then we hung up.

I packed all the clothes in garment bags and in one of my suitcases. I’d have to steam and iron some of them when I got there, but I had time.

The studio was blissfully empty when I arrived. Sometimes Inari came on weekends to finish things and do extra work. She was like one of those elves that came in during the night and finished what others hadn’t bothered to.

I got everything all set up, including putting the dress forms in complete outfits and lining them up near the mirror so he could get the full effect. I didn’t have shoes, which was a pain, but I didn’t fancy becoming a cobbler. That was a whole other kind of thing that I didn’t have experience with.

He rang the bell, even though I’d left the door unlocked.

“Hey,” I said, rolling the door open. It was one of those industrial metal things and not so easy to push, but I managed.

“I would have helped you,” he said when I finally got it open.

“Nah, I can manage. I’m a big girl.” I crooked my finger at him and led him over to where his new wardrobe was on display.

“This? This is the surprise?” he said. “Is it just the pants? Or the shirts, or . . .” He trailed off as he walked around the dress forms and looked at the clothes.

“All of it,” I said. “Sorry there aren’t any shoes, but I figured you could supply those on your own.” I hurried to get rid of a stray thread on one of the shirts.

“Sloane,” Ryder said in a way that made me look up. Now that I was showing him the clothes, I was embarrassed. Who did this? Who made an entire wardrobe for someone they were just sort of friends with? Sometimes I took things too far. This was definitely one of those times.

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