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Surrendering Series Box Set

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“Would you two mind helping me?” Dad asked. Now that we had more people for dinner, it took more of us to get the food to the table. We all pitched in and an hour later we were in the formal sitting room having coffee. Ryder had been so uncomfortable here at first, but he’d gotten better. He didn’t cringe when he walked into the room, or say “fuck,” or bring up inappropriate topics. I had the feeling Sloane had been coaching him and giving him etiquette lessons. They were definitely paying off. We’d have him golfing and discussing the financial section of the Boston Globe in no time.

“When are we going to see Fin and Marisol?” Mom asked. She couldn’t let a Sunday go by without bringing him up. She knew, without a doubt, that I was with Lucah and was going to stay with him, but she still had an affinity for Fin and now for his serious girlfriend, Marisol. I still couldn’t believe that they’d completely hit it off, because it had just been a set-up. Those almost never worked out, but he’d taken a shine to her and she’d been completely smitten that first night.

They’d had their ups and downs and it was hard for her with him traveling so much, but they made it work somehow and it wouldn’t surprise me if any day now he put a ring on her finger.

“I can call and see if they want to come next weekend,” I said. Fin was home for several months, so they were both around.

“Lovely, thank you.” We all sipped our coffee and chatted about this and that. It was amazing how comfortable it was now, compared to that first night when all four of us had been here.

“You know, you might want to go up to the cabin in the next few weeks,” Mom said, setting her empty coffee cup down on a coaster. “We’ve had the caretaker up, but mostly so the pipes don’t freeze. Who knows what condition it’s in?” My mom does not look like the kind of woman who would be comfortable in a cabin, but she and Dad had spent plenty of weekends and vacations up in Maine. Mom didn’t change her wardrobe though, and it was a little strange to see a woman wearing pearls and Chanel traipsing through the wilderness.

“We could go up next weekend,” Lucah said, looking at me for confirmation. I didn’t know how we were going to squeeze it in, along with seeing April and Tate and then having Sunday dinner. We needed more days of the week.

“Um, maybe.” It took a few hours to get up there and then back again, so the trip was going to take most of the day if we had to also check the cabin and maybe go and get supplies.

“We can swing it,” he said, seeming confident. I didn’t want to argue with him in front of everyone. We’d do it when we got home.

“Okay,” I said, but he knew by my tone that we were going to discuss it further. Lucah knew most of my tones and expressions by now. It was handy not having to be overt about what I was feeling. The only downside was that when I was trying to hide an emotion, it was next to impossible.

We talked about other things (mostly what Sloane was working on now) and then it was time to go. Ryder and Sloane had driven separately, so Lucah and I were on our own for the way back.

“So, how are we going to get to the cabin this weekend with everything else we’re doing?” I asked the minute we pulled out of the driveway.

He snorted.

“I knew you were going to jump on me like that the second we left.” He pulled out of the driveway and started heading back toward the city.

“Well, I just don’t know how this is going to work. We only have Saturday and Sunday and we’ve got stuff going both of those days.” He was trying to hide a smile, so I knew something was definitely up.

“What?” I asked.

“How would you feel if I told you that I got your father to let you have Friday off as well?” Was he serious? Why the hell had Dad agreed to that?

“Are you serious?”

“Uh huh. I asked him the other day. I was planning on taking you up anyway, but this works out even better.” He was very pleased with himself. Smug bastard.

“You just love doing things behind my back, don’t you?” It made me uneasy, thinking that there were things he was doing without me knowing. Even something as little as this.

“Oh, Sunshine, I thought this was going to be a romantic surprise and I’ve upset you. I’m sorry.” Ugh, he was reading my emotions again. This was one of those times that I definitely didn’t like it.

He reached out to touch my face and I crossed my arms and turned away.

“Don’t read my mind. I don’t like it.” He slowed the car and pulled over. We weren’t on the highway yet, so it wasn’t dangerous for him to do so.

“Look at me,” he said, his voice soft. I didn’t want to, but I had a hard time resisting him when he talked like that. I turned slowly and found him looking at me with seriousness in his blue-grey eyes.

“I’m sorry. I sometimes forget that you’re not a big fan of surprises, or of people doing things behind your back. I shouldn’t have done it. I’m sorry.” He was so contrite that it made me feel like a total bitch for being upset. My God, my fiancé had gotten me off work so we could spend the day together. How horrible. What an asshole.

Now it was my turn to be apologetic.

“No, I’m sorry. I’m being a bitch. I mean, I am a bitch, but I don’t like being a bitch to you in general. I should stop being so sensitive when it comes to you surprising me. You’re doing a nice thing and I’m being ridiculous about it.” I reached out and touched his arm, pulling him toward me over the console.

“I’m sorry,” I said again as I gave him a kiss. He kissed me back and stuck his tongue in my mouth. Now that was my kind of apology. We made out for a little while, until we decided that if we took it any further, we’d probably get in trouble for fornicating on the side of the road. I had no idea what the fine would be for that and I didn’t fancy finding out.

“When we get home, I’m going to fuck you,” he said, smiling at me. Lust dripped down my spine and GOD, I couldn’t wait to get back to the apartment. He flipped my switch quicker than anything else.

“Yeah, well, you’re also going to get some coffee,” I said. I kind of owed him.

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