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Surrendering Series Box Set

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“So are you,” he said, turning to me, his eyes going dark and seductive. I was so addicted to this man. Even when he was driving me crazy, I still wanted him so much.

Our makeup sex was always hot and sometimes I thought about picking fights with him just for that, but then I realized that was crazy. Our sex life was crazy already. No need to add fuel to the already white-hot fire.

“You’re bad news, Mr. Blythe.”

“I’ve been telling you that all along, Miss Clarke.”


We had LOTS of “coffee” when we got back and soon we were both naked and satiated in our bed together.

“I really am sorry. Sometimes I get ideas and get so excited about them and I don’t think how you’ll feel about them before I go all out,” he said, kissing my knuckles.

“It’s really okay,” I said. “I was being a bitch. I think I’ll blame that on PMS.” He chuckled.

“Fair enough.” He got up and left the room, but came back with his guitar. I loved it when he played after we had sex. It prolonged the intimacy I felt with him in those precious moments and made me adore him even more.

“Any requests?” he asked as he settled the instrument in his lap. It had belonged to his father and it was his most prized possession, apart from his photo album and the few pieces of his mother’s jewelry. He and his brothers had split them equally.

“How about ‘Take Your Time’?” I asked. No offence to Sam Hunt, but he had nothing on my Lucah. As always, he put his own twist on the song and made it his. I’d never met someone who could take an 80s hit and turn it into something slow and soulful.

Every time he sang, it took me back to that first night when he’d sung ‘Sooner Surrender’ and I’d fallen so fast and so hard that I didn’t know what hit me. He sang me the same song when he proposed and I would always think of it as one of Our Songs.

After he finished that, I asked for “Halo” by Beyoncé. That made him laugh, but I knew he could sing it because he’d done it before.

“I’m not tossing my hair or doing any dance moves though,” he said as he strummed random chords.

“But you put a ring on it,” I said, holding up my left hand.

“That I did, Sunshine. That I did.”

He played until I was too tired to listen anymore and I fell asleep to his voice and the soft sounds of his guitar.


I had lunch with Lilia on Tuesday and I could tell there was something she wanted to get off her chest.

“You always get to be my therapist. My turn now,” I said. She hesitated.

“If you don’t tell me what’s wrong, you’re fired.” I was joking, of course, but it made her smile. Today her outfit was a bright royal blue sheath dress, black and silver shoes and her hair up in the most perfect sock bun I’d ever seen. Nearly every day I was jealous of her clothes and today was no exception.

“Okay, okay. I just… I’m lonely. I haven’t been with someone for a while and I miss it. I miss getting excited when I get a text message, I miss going on dates. Hell, I miss sex.” Well now. Lilia wasn’t normally so open, but okay. Sloane and I were complete open books and my other friends were the same. I had no qualms about discussing sex with Lilia. Sure, we were co-workers, but we’d also become friends. I had the habit of doing that with people who worked for me. They almost always turned into something more than co-workers.

“I totally understand. I was feeling the same way just before Lucah Blythe walked into my life.” Strutted. When Lucah Blythe strutted into my life, which was pretty much what he did. God, it gave me shivers just remembering it.

She sighed and looked down at her fig and goat cheese salad. We always ate on the company’s dime, so I liked to take her to nice places.

“I’m not going to give you some bullshit cliché that if it’s meant to be it’ll happen, or when it’s right it will happen. All I know is that if you don’t have your eyes open, you might miss something. And don’t immediately find reasons why you can’t be together. I fought my attraction to Lucah as hard as I could.” Well, until we started sleeping together, but she didn’t need to know that little detail.

“Oh, and don’t underestimate the power of amazing sex. That can definitely change things.” I winked at her and she blushed a little.

“It’s been a while.”

“Oh, believe me, I’ve been there.” My very best friend when I was single, Mr. Buzzy, got quite a workout. Not that he didn’t get used now, because Lucah was very open-minded. He really was the best fiancé ever.

“Anyway,” she said, waving her hand and then picking up her fork. “I don’t know. I’ve just been a little blue, that’s all.”

“I could always try and set you up. Only if you wanted to. No pressure. My parents were always trying to set me up with this guy Fin, but obviously that didn’t work. He’s actually dating my friend Marisol and that was kind of a set-up. Good thing it’s worked out so far.” It was going to be pretty awkward if Fin and Marisol broke up. Not because I saw him a lot, but because I’d feel responsible. And my mom would be totally pissed and think that meant maybe he was secretly in love with me. I didn’t think my mother would ever let that one die.

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