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Better than Sexy (The Sexy 3)

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“I always think about Levi,” he bit out. “It’s there, every waking minute.”

“And that’s why I didn’t say anything! It was kinder to say no and walk away, but you didn’t let me.”

“I remember,” he said, leaning a hip on the bar. “So what changed your mind? The money? The prestige? The opportunities that would come from performing here for the summer?” he pressed, obviously certain she was mercenary at her core.

She squirmed in her seat because she’d be lying if she said all those things hadn’t been appealing. “Okay, yes, those opportunities were attractive, of course, but you also explained that you’d all been through hell this past year, that the club took a downturn after some problems–”

“After your brother targeted us,” he reminded her coldly.

She shivered, wrapping her arms around herself. “Yes. And then you insisted that my performing would help you rebuild. Get the people back into the club. And I thought, if you were right, I could help repay what my brother took from you. It was … it was a win-win.”

Landon narrowed his gaze, still assessing her. “At least you’re honest that you wanted to benefit, too. As for whether or not you gave a shit about helping us?” He shrugged. “Jury’s out. I have no way of knowing.”

Her heart twisted as she realized there was no getting through to him, and she raised her hands, giving up. “I’ll go, okay? I’ll pack up my things and be out of here tonight. My brother’s done enough to hurt you. All of you. I don’t want to stay here as a reminder and make things worse.” She jumped up from her seat and turned to go.

“You can’t leave, Vivi. We have an ironclad contract. You’re obligated to stay and perform for the duration.”

His words shocked her and she pivoted, narrowing her gaze. “Why? You don’t like me, you don’t trust me, and I know you want me far away from you and your friends. So why not let me out of my contract?”

“Because we’ve invested heavily in you and we’ve sold tickets based on your performance. Another entertainer won’t do. Especially since you open Friday night. So go practice, because we may not like it, but you’re our star act. We’ve paid and bought you, Vivi. Suck it up because I have to.”

“Fuck you, Landon.” She straightened her shoulders and faced him. She wasn’t going to cower in front of any man, including the one her brother had tried to destroy.

“You may not like me, but you’re right. We do have a contract, and I’m going to bring money and people to this club. And for the record, I’m not Vic. I’m nothing like my brother. So don’t you dare talk to me like I’m something you scraped off your shoe.” Gathering every ounce of self-respect she possessed, she spun around and stormed away.

Chapter Five

In the few days leading up to opening night, Landon struggled within himself. He was torn between what he should feel about Vivi and what he actually felt. He ought to be angry at her for keeping her identity a secret, but a part of him understood her reasons. He even appreciated her looking out for him, and yeah, he believed her when she said she hadn’t wanted to cause him any more pain. Because in reality, she could have taken the job easily from the get-go, but she’d turned him down because she’d realized Landon’s connection to her brother. So he trusted that she wasn’t playing him.

He should be steering clear of her because of her blood relation to Vic, knowing that Levi’s death would always be between them. And yet the more time that passed, the more he realized he was doing it because the guys thought he should. Not because he held a grudge against her.

Opening night, meanwhile, was coming together perfectly. The place would be packed, excitement in the air. The only thing that concerned him was Vivi’s performance. She was solid in her practice, but the emotional component that usually drew him into her music was missing. It was as if with Vic’s revelation and the change in how he and the guys treated her, she wasn’t the same bubbly performer he’d grown used to seeing.

Watching her lack of sparkle, he realized she was suffering as much as he was, and if he didn’t do something about it, opening night would be a bust, and he’d have only himself to blame.

So go practice, because we may not like it, but you’re our star act. We’ve paid and bought you, Vivi. Suck it up because I have to. That had been a dick thing to say, and he’d regretted it the moment it came out of his mouth.

Seeing her pretty gaze dull had hit him in the gut. Despite his own pain, she was right. She wasn’t her brother. She was a performer with heart, and right now hers was hurting. At the very least, she needed people in her corner tonight, and the club owners who’d hired her freezing her out was not going to make for a successful event.

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