Turn Up the Heat - Page 63

His body froze; his breathing quickened.

Again and again she played his tip with her tongue, then slid her lips the rest of the way down his erection, back out, down again, establishing a firm rhythm then varying the speed and pressure, keeping him off balance.

“Candy.” He put a hand to the back of her head, riding on her rhythm. “You have no idea how good that feels and how sexy you look right now.”

She twisted, opening her lips, pulling her tongue along the base of his penis, tipping her head back to meet his eye. She felt female and powerful, smiling wickedly at his helpless arousal, thrilled that she could please him this much.

When she was with Justin, she felt as if part of her really was Sexy Glamour Girl.

“Come here.” His hands gripped her upper arms; he pulled her to standing. “You’re making me feel greedy.”

“I want you to feel good.”

“I still will.” He gestured her onto the mattress, retrieved a condom from his nightstand, tossed it onto the bed and followed. He lay next to her and drew her close, kissed her cheek, her chin, her breasts, briefly taking each nipple into his mouth for a gentle, sexy bite. His next kiss landed on her stomach, he turned on his hands and knees and moved his lips lower on her abdomen, his thigh up next to her shoulder.

Candy opened her legs, breathless with anticipation. She felt his warm breath on her open sex, then the quick playful flick of his tongue, once, twice. Her body shivered, jerked, then he settled into a rhythm that poured heat through her.

She reached for his leg, brought his torso over her, and took him back into her mouth. The angle made it easier to draw him in farther; her arousal from his tongue’s dance gradually increased the pace of her sucking to a frenzy. She lifted her hips while moving her head up and down, taking him deep, this angle, that one, not able to get enough. This contact, so uninhibited, both of them giving and receiving pleasure was new for her, new and wonderful.

She closed her eyes and disappeared into her other senses: the heat, the male smell and taste, the sounds of their pleasure, the rivers of desire flowing through her, and underneath it all, a glowing warmth.

He broke away suddenly; her eyes narrowed back into relief when she saw him diving for the condom. Impatience she understood—and shared.

Condom on, he climbed over her, positioned his erection at her entrance. She lifted, eager for him, and a shower of electric sparks settled over and through her as he sank slowly inside, the sensations thrilling not only her body but also her heart.

She wrapped her arms around his wide back, lifting against each thrust, panting as the in-and-out rhythm tugged on her clitoris.

There was a hot, animal edge to the way he rode her that surprised her, made her a little uneasy and turned her on beyond all reason. This was not polite I-love-you sex, this was raw and powerful, primal and exciting. He lifted himself onto his arms, changing his angle, and a new burst of lust flooded her. Then he balanced on one arm while the other explored her breasts.

She liked that, too; she liked it a lot, taking in short gasps of surprised pleasure when his rough fingers began to play with the line of pain.

“Am I hurting you?” he whispered. “It is too much?”

She shook her head, unable to believe what he was doing, what she was letting him do, how exciting it was that he had this mastery.

A minute later, when she was about to cry uncle, he rolled to the side, taking her with him, looped her top leg over his hip, gripping her thigh, still pushing into her. He kissed her while his hand traveled over her hip to the crevice between her buttocks and explored there, carefully, gently.

More new territory.

Candy made herself relax. Maybe there were still questions unanswered between them, but there was no doubt she trusted him here, with her body.

His finger slipped inside, kept rhythm with his penis; she gradually accepted the intrusion, then let the new sensations build, closing her eyes, breath stuttering as her body fought for oxygen with her oncoming climax. Her head lifted from the pillow; her cheeks burned. She gasped, gasped again, struggling against something she didn’t understand, something bigger than what he was doing to her.

“Candy.” His murmur was low, the tone strained. “I will carry the picture of your face right now with me forever.”

Tags: Isabel Sharpe Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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