Turn Up the Heat - Page 64

His finger went deeper; her gasp sounded like a sob. She was so close now. So close.

“Let yourself go,” he whispered. “Let me feel you coming.

Grip me tighter, let me feel it.”

She moaned and let go, the spasm flooding her with ec-stasy.

“Yes. Like that.” He waited out her pleasure, then rolled her urgently onto her back, put one leg outside hers. “Pull your thighs together.”

She obeyed, desire still on high. He rode her again, clutching her legs between his, the friction of his thrusts increasing, building more desire.


His mouth covered hers; their tongues tangled; his breathing changed and she felt a deep satisfaction spreading through her. Her arms enfolded him, hands burying in his thick hair, and she suddenly had the answer to why she hadn’t been able to stay away, why he drew her so profoundly: She was falling for him.

A shock burst through her at the same time his accelerated breathing peaked; he thrust in and held, releasing a groan she felt in her chest as keenly as she felt the pulsing inside her.

Falling for him? She barely knew him.

And yet somehow, without even understanding how it could be possible, she knew in her heart it was true.

Candy laid still underneath Justin, hardly able to breathe, and not just because he’d gone heavy after his orgasm. She was falling for him. That was what this was all about. That’s why after so many times being sure she wasn’t going to give the man any more chances, she kept doing it. Because her subconscious knew he was a good thing, and it wouldn’t let her give him up.

The subconscious was always supposed to be right, wasn’t it?

Justin raised himself, made a quick trip to the bathroom and was back moments later.


“Happy.” He pulled her close, grinning. “I needed that.”

She laughed, though fear curled her insides. Just the sex?

“Me, too.”

“Been a while?”



“Same here.” He took her hand, laced their fingers, stroking her knuckle with his thumb. “But, boy, was it worth the wait.”

Hope rose. With his face and body he’d be able to get lucky 164

as often as he wanted. “You probably could have gotten some much sooner from the woman in the bar.”

The instant horror on his face cracked her up. “Candy, let me make this clear to you.”


“That was not going to happen. Ever.” He squeezed her hand. “In fact, the second I saw you, however many weeks ago that was, I knew I was doomed. It was going to be you or nobody.”

“Nobody?” She turned giddy in an instant. “So if I’d said no tonight, you would have gone the rest of your life without—”

“Geez.” He feigned throwing the pillow at her. “Let me have my sentimental hyperbole, okay?”

“Yes.” She nodded, her smile fading into tenderness she tried to hide. “Very okay.”


you—” He scowled comically, pretending to be angry, but she felt something real, too “—you were out to get whatever you could from whomever you could all over town.”

“No, no. I want to explain about that.” She struggled up on her elbow, put her hand to his chest. “Marie pushed me to start dating, only I couldn’t fill out the Milwaukeedates form because I felt as if I had a lot of sides to my personality and didn’t know how to present myself.”

“Go on.” He was watching calmly, but he’d let go of her hand.

“So Marie suggested I put up four profiles and see which one felt the most natural. It was supposed to be for fun, not to confuse anyone. You were the only one who even noticed.”

He moved restlessly, apparently still processing. “I see.”

“You picked Sexy Glamour Girl, so that’s who you kept getting. But Marie really thought we’d hit it off, and I really hoped we would, too.” She rushed to finish. “That’s it. The whole story.”

“Okay.” He ran his hand over his face. “That explains a lot.”

“Now it’s your turn.” The fear came back, acid in her stomach. “What was going on tonight?”

Tags: Isabel Sharpe Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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