Like Dragonflies - Page 66

“Hey, kiddo. What’s the hug for? I didn’t think I was your favorite person in the world.” I press my ear to his chest so I can hear the way his deep voice bounces around.

“You’re always my favorite person.” You and Mars.

“I can’t tell from the way you’ve been avoiding me, Sage.” We walk into my room and Dad looks at my easel. “Wow, that’s an angry world,” he mutters. That one statement fills me up inside. My heart is happy.

Mars isn’t the only person in the world who gets me. Dad gets me too. He always has. I have to talk to him about Mars.

“Dad, I need to ask you something,” I say. His chocolate eyes find mine and he takes a seat at the bottom of my bed and I sit beside him.

“Okay, shoot.”

“Has Mom mentioned Mars to you?” I test the waters to see what she’s been telling him.

“Yes, she’s mentioned she doesn’t want you to see him, and he’s bad news stemming from her past. That’s it.” I trust him because I’ve never caught Dad in a lie before.

“Did she tell you exactly how he connects to her past?” I lift my eyebrow.

“She’s been vague lately, so I don’t get much information, I just know you two have been on the outs. I also notice you’ve been hiding out a lot and I don’t see you as much as I used to. Does Mars have anything to do with that?”

I can’t hide the smile that stretches across my face. I nod at Dad and he strokes his chin the way he does whenever he’s in deep thought. From what I can tell, he has no idea Mars is my brother.

Mom is the fucking master of secrets.

“You must be in love.” His Adam’s apple wobbles in his throat. “My little girl…in love.”

“Mom hates him,” I mutter, folding my arms.

“Mom hates anyone not up to her high standards. All that matters is how you feel about him, Sage. Mom isn’t going to live your life. You are. So whatever you do, make sure you’re happy first. Everything else will fall in place.” He leans over and presses a kiss to my forehead and for a moment, he calms my chaotic world.

I revel in the serenity that washes over me, but I can’t ignore the feeling lurking in the shadows. It’s whispering to me with a forked tongue—this is only the calm before the storm.


The throbs of uncertainty in between moments of bliss are enough to drive me insane. Each time I think I find peace in my mind of a future with Sage, terrible thoughts consume me.

Not about her or about us.

About everyfuckingthing else.

Specifically, her mother.

Eleanor Emerson.

She’s from Duncan. And true Duncans are scrappy as hell. Behind the pretty plastic smile and ridiculous amounts of money is a girl with roots in the country ghetto.

Which is why I need to stay ahead of whatever plans this crazy woman has. I push into Duncan D’s, that’s hopping with an early evening crowd, on a mission to talk to Aunt Darcy. Thirty or so of Duncan’s most thirsty alcoholics are filling the air with laughter, loud talking, and the whiff of barely masked depression.

No one gives me shit for going into the bar. I’m close enough in age, not to mention, I’ve been hanging out in this bar since I was a baby. Someone had to watch Dad’s motherless baby while he worked to make ends meet. I’m pretty sure my first sentence was, “Top me off, Darcy.”

I nod my head to a few familiar faces as I hunt for Aunt Darcy. She’s laughing at Mona—her only other bartender—and her over-the-top cackling pierces my ears. When she sees me, she says something to Mona and then points to the back. I walk past the bar, down the small corridor where her office is. She’s already waiting inside when I get there, a frown marring her face.

“What’s wrong? Is it Haddock?”

A smile tugs at my lips. “Haddock was wasting away on that crappy cat food you give him. I hooked him up with the kitty cocaine.”

She rolls her eyes. “He’s spoiled.”

“He’s ancient. He’s lived a hard kitty life. Pamper him in his end days.”

“Yeah, yeah,” she grumbles before regarding me with a serious expression. “Why you in my bar, kid?” Despite the gruffness, she says it in an affectionate way that warms my heart.

“Did you ever know a girl named Eleanor?” I ask, cutting straight to the chase. “I’m not sure what her maiden name was.”

Her lips purse together, showcasing her wrinkles from all the chain smoking she’s done over the years. “I know you ain’t talkin’ about Ellie Knowles.”


The only Knowles I know is Nicky Knowles.

“Who is Ellie Knowles?” I ask, treading carefully.

Her eyes narrow. “An old friend of your mother’s. Not a good friend either. Always had eyes for your old man.” She lets out a huff. “But you know Nathan loved Sunny. Wouldn’t look away from her until they buried her in the ground. I know Ellie chased him a bit after my sister died, but it wasn’t long until she just left. Word is she married into money and is doing well for herself. Again, why?”

Tags: K. Webster Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025