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Avoiding Responsibility (Avoiding 2)

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"I don't have to see Parker again after this if it makes you happy. You are the only thing that is important to me," he told her staring longingly in her eyes.

Lexi wanted to believe him. After all, she had come to Atlanta in hopes of believing just that. But only time would tell if everything he was saying was true.

* * *

Thanks for all my wonderful reviewers: Cupid's Psyche, inspire-the-writer-x3, LoveAlways03, Fierce . Imagination, jennalizing, hayleytibbs, sunbeam07, WyldeLoneStar, ssolomon08, and Kelly Rogala.

K.A. Linde

That Moment

"What a beautiful wedding!,

What a beautiful wedding!" says a bridesmaid to a waiter.

"Oh yes, but what a shame, what a shame,

the poor groom's bride is a whore.""Haven't you people ever heard of closing the god damn door?"

No, it's much better to face these kinds of things

with a sense of poise and rationality.

I chime in with a

"Haven't you people ever heard of closing the god damn door?"

No, it's much better to face these kinds of things

with a sense of poise and rationality.

-"I Write Sins Not Tragedies" Panic at the Disco

* * *

Chapter 10: December Six Months Earlier

"Slow down. Slow down. Slow down," Lexi cried repeatedly as she tried to pry Ramsey's hands off of her. "Chyna is going to know if we fooled around beforehand."

"Yeah probably," he said pushing her dress further up her legs.

"I can't go all flustered."

"Why not?" he asked smiling devilishly as he captured her lips briefly.

Lexi pulled back from his eager advances and shot him a dirty look. "This is an important occasion for Chyna. She isn't going to want me to have just had sex while she's dealing with all this bullshit."

"Are you still talking about Chyna?" he asked letting his thumb rub circles into her inner thighs.

"Ye…yes," she stammered trying not to get too distracted by the proximity of his hands.

"She's hardly going to care."

"You don't know that. This is really important to her," Lexi contradicted him.

"Really? We're talking about Chyna, the girl who gets laid practically every night. She's not going to care. In fact," he began thinking better of the subject, "she's going to be happy about it…proud even." He resumed his earlier removal of her clothing.

"Chyna is not," Lexi began before Ramsey covered her mouth with his own. "Ramsey," she all but moaned against his lips.

Briefly breaking contact, he hoisted her up from where she was sitting on the couch causing her to gasp against him, carried her into her bedroom, and then tossed her effortlessly backwards onto her queen-sized bed. Lexi giggled taken in by his enthusiasm as he crawled onto the bed after her. "You're going to ruin your suit," was all she managed to get out as he towered over her.

He smirked at her obviously amused by the statement. "This is why I like you so much," he murmured softly.

"What? What am I doing?" she asked giggling obviously mystified by how her reactions affected him.

"Nothing, which is exactly what makes you so damn irresistible," he told her capturing her lips in a searing kiss.

Lexi giggled again throwing her head back against the pillows to break off their actions. "Wait, wait, what made you say that?"

"Oh Lexi, my Alexa, how can you not see yourself through my eyes?" he whispered softly laying down next to her and beginning to stroke her brown locks. Lexi just looked back up at him waiting for him to continue. "You just seem to make even the most ridiculous statements sound adorable."

"Ridiculous statements?" Lexi gasped. "Nothing I said was ridiculous."

"You're concerned about Chyna not being okay with us fooling around before a wedding she doesn't even want to attend, and my suit getting wrinkled. Those are both pretty ridiculous," he said staring at her tenderly.

Lexi sat up on her elbows to get a better look at him. "Well for one, Chyna might be upset about this. And two, your suit is already wrinkled," she said pointing out where the suit had bunched up around him.

"I'm still sticking to the fact that Chyna would never be upset about this. Since we first met, she wanted you to go home with me. And do you think this is the only suit I have with me?" he asked raising one eyebrow and looking at her hungrily.

"That was a totally different scenario. I was drunk and we were out clubbing. I wasn't responsible for my actions," she said stubbornly. "And about that suit, as far as I'm concerned it is the only one you own," she told him watching his face contort incredulously and then burst into laughter.

"You really are something," he murmured as he began to kiss from her throat to her navel. A moan escaped her lips giving away just how much she really wanted him to stop. He paused at the hem of her dress raising his head to make eye contact with her, "And as far as you're concerned, I don't need any suits."

"Why is that?" she asked breathily his eyes captivating her.

"Because we can just stay up here in your room until the New Year," he murmured against her stomach.

Lexi's head fell back against the pillow as Ramsey's fingers slid under her dress. She couldn't argue that point and she didn't really want to. She would be perfectly content forgoing their plans for the remainder of the evening, and staying in her apartment the rest of the night.

But she couldn't do that to Chyna. Her father was getting married that evening, and Chyna had been corralled into assisting the beast he was calling his fiancé. She needed moral support. And beyond that, Lexi had helped plan the big New Year's party for tonight, and would be expected to be there. Her presence would be one that Chyna needed around her. Though she could throw a spectacular party by anyone's standards, this would be her first full blown New Years bash, and she wanted it to have everything and more. Not to mention that Lexi had helped plan the whole thing…in the midst of finals nonetheless.

Feeling his fingertips lightly graze her silky underwear, Lexi had an even stronger urge to forget her best friend and all her plans. But still the nagging need to be there for her over powered her sex drive.

Lexi twisted sideways out of the reach of his hands and slid off of the bed. "No!" she exclaimed boldly. Ramsey's smirk only widened. "I know you don't hear that from me often."

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